Psychologist's Day, the profession of reflection

    On the 27th of August, the Day of the Psychologist is celebrated. Here in España, this is the date on which the profession was regulated in 1964, through Law 4.119/64.

    The psychologist faces constant challenges in his profession, leading him to reflect and seek answers, which leads to a continuous process of change and personal development; this makes him—in theory—better able to adjust to a rapidly changing society. Thus, they also better understand the difficulties and challenges they face in their work environment.

    His work consists of offering a psychotherapeutic relationship of help to his patients, enabling them to improve their perception and understanding of themselves and the facts of life. With this, the patient will have at his disposal a greater amount of data for decision making. And, in this way, he will manifest his inner strength that drives him to maturity, independence and self-fulfillment.

    The bases of the psychologist's work are:

    • a comprehensive view of the characteristic processes of human life;
    • deep respect for humanity as a whole and for each of its patients;
    • a set of techniques that allow, in the joint work with the patient, to help him in the understanding of himself and in the definition of his own paths.

    Psychologist's Day, the profession of reflection

    The purpose of psychotherapy is the study of human beings and their way of existing in the world, focusing on the helping relationship between therapist and patient. It is a bond of mutual respect and trust. Breaking blocks, changing habits and proposing the replacement of ways of understanding the world for others, more adequate to the reality of each patient, the therapist makes the help relationship more productive, reaching the solution of the problems experienced by the patient and that gave rise to the complaints. initials.

    The psychologist doesn't decide for anyone! Its role is to transmit information, highlight characteristics, show alternatives, indicate work tools, point out behaviors, analyze situations in the light of each person's reality and accompany, step by step, when necessary, the decision-making process itself.

    The study of the mind and behavior of individuals has been the object of attention by several theorists. The findings from these studies and their practical applications gave rise to different approaches and working methods. Thus, the patient should and can seek a professional with whom they feel more identified. It is always good to get in touch with several professionals before deciding on the most suitable alternative.

    In the psychotherapeutic relationship of help, the patient will have to face his inner resistance to change, his fears and fantasies, his moments of discouragement and disbelief. Therapy is the opportunity to become aware of the role that the individual can play in his own life, defining his own course and accepting his responsibility in this process. Courage, perseverance and willpower are the qualities of patients that break down obstacles, enabling a fuller and happier life.


    “Why do therapy?” — Luiz Carlos T. de Freitas — Editora Agora, São Paulo

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