How many times in your life have you made an appointment with yourself?

    There is? You must be asking yourself: how so? 

    When we arrange to meet someone who is special to us, do you do any rituals?

    For example, do you try to wear clothes that you feel comfortable with, put on perfume, do makeup or something similar?

    This is a ritual… And for those who have read the book “The Little Prince”, do you remember what the fox says to the little prince?

    See an excerpt from the book below:

    The fox was silent and watched the prince for a long time:

    – Please… Captivate me! - she said. 

    “I would like to,” said the little prince, “but I don't have much time. I have friends to discover and many things to know. 

    "We only know well the things we've captivated," said the fox. 

    Men no longer have time to know anything. They buy everything ready-made in stores. But since there are no friend stores, men don't have friends anymore. If you want a friend, captivate me!

    – What needs to be done? asked the little prince. 

    “You have to be patient,” replied the fox. 

    You will first sit a little far from me, like that, on the grass. And I'll look at you out of the corner of my eye and you won't say anything. Language is a source of misunderstanding. But each day you will sit a little closer…

    The next day the prince returned.

    "It would have been better if you had come back at the same time," said the fox. 

    If you come, for example, at four in the afternoon, from three o'clock I'll start to be happy! The more the time comes, the more I will feel happy. At four o'clock, then, I will be restless and agitated: I will discover the price of happiness! But if you come at any moment, I will never know when to prepare my heart… There must be a ritual.

    – What is a “ritual”? asked the little prince. 

    "It's a very forgotten thing too," said the fox. 

    It's what makes a day different from other days; one hour, the other hours. My hunters, for example, love a ritual. They dance on Thursdays with the village girls. Thursday is then the wonderful day! I'm going for a walk to the vineyard. If hunters danced on any given day, the days would all be the same, and I would never have a vacation!”

    So, now I ask you, again, do you do any rituals to meet with you?

    I used to believe that taking time to read a book, playing with my 4-legged son was my moment.

    What a mistake!

    My moment is MINE! It's a date for me, with myself...

    How many times in your life have you made an appointment with yourself?

    No rules, no “things to do”…

    It is the moment that I allow myself to feel, that I call my inner master and make room for my intuition, for my heart.

    And how AMAZING it has been!

    Is that you? Are you allowed to do that? 

    How many dates have you had with yourself in the last week? And in the last month?

    In the information age, having time to meet and connect has become something rare and difficult to achieve.

    So I propose a challenge!

    How much time of your day can you dedicate to meeting with yourself? 

    1 minute? 5 minutes?

    Start with small steps, very realistic steps. As you adapt to this new routine and learn to enjoy this encounter, you can increase this time. ?

    What time of day will you do this?

    So that something new can really be done, we have to make an appointment, first with ourselves!

    Then, this commitment must be shared with one or more people who will help you, who will give you strength and reasons to move on.

    So, with whom will you share this commitment you are making now?

    I am here! If you want, you can share it with me! 

    I will love to be your journey partner and don't forget to let me know how it's been!

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