aging is a privilege

    Over time, the arrival of wrinkles is viewed with some sadness by most people. Not only the appearance, but the physical limitations added to the pain and fatigue of age tend to affect some people emotionally. In fact, the independence and freedom we gain as we get older doesn't make up for the joviality and lack of responsibility we had when we were young. But there's one thing that we rarely stop to think about, as obvious as it may be, only those who are alive age.

    aging is a privilegeIn a chaotic world fraught with difficulties throughout our existence, survival is an arduous task. If today we have more access to food, medicine, basic sanitation, etc., in the past few could have a dignified life. Mortality rates were very high, not that they are excellent now, but life expectancy was much lower.

    Leading a life with good eating habits, regular physical exercises and other practices that help to take care of ourselves, the chance of having a healthy life in old age is much greater. Inevitably, bad experiences wear us out. An elderly person is a person who has had great achievements in life, but is also an individual who has lost many dear relatives and friends, therefore lonelier in a certain way.

    The natural order of life is for the son to bury his parents, this will never be an easy task and will leave a mark forever on our lives. Affection and affection do not diminish over the years. The fact that we can deal with it doesn't eliminate the longing we will have forever.

    Nothing is forever: everything good stays long enough to be unforgettable during our short time on Earth. It's not worth fighting time. The dispute with the clock is a sure defeat. Living is not simply extending old age, but having a full, healthy and happy third age.

    The mistake that many people make is to live life as if they will never grow old. That is, the fullness of maximizing momentary pleasures, ignoring tomorrow and, consequently, suffering from the impacts of the arrival of old age for not having prepared for this inevitable moment. The most important thing is to keep the good memories of the good times and the learning of what hurt us in the past, but that brought us valuable lessons for the future.

    Written by Diego Rennan of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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