How long are you going to sabotage yourself?

“When we are unaware or simply ignore the fact that the daily actions in our life impact the scenes of the next chapters of our own history, history tends to repeat itself until the vicious cycle is stopped. Thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions contribute to our next steps.”

Juliana wakes up every day at 6 am, prepares her coffee, gets dressed and leaves for work. Along the way, she enjoys watching horror movies and series. Upon arriving at work, she grabs a coffee and goes to smoke with two other colleagues. The three start the day complaining about work, which is boring, about life, which is monotonous, about boyfriends, which are no longer what they used to be, and speak ill of other co-workers and their boss. For Ju, nothing is good. For her, it's always her parents' fault. She always answers the phone cursing random things to the person on the other end. The day ends up dragging by, loaded with more coffees, cigarettes and complaints. When she gets home, she fries some hamburgers and eats drinking beer in front of the TV. She's playing her favorite soap opera. Without realizing it, she repeated this pattern throughout the week, the months, the years. It seems that Juliana's life never goes the way she wanted, and that's why she ends up getting more and more frustrated every day, thinking that nothing is possible, except to "be born again".

For Henrique, things seem to be going the other way. He wakes up late and goes to the gym. His objective is to leave his abdomen cracked, arms and legs well shaped to surprise the hotties at the club. Henrique works at a startup and is overjoyed when his team wins the week's challenges. To celebrate, he and his team always go to the bar to drink them all, after all, “celebration is like that”, he says. Upon arriving home, he finds his older brother meditating in the living room and starts laughing. Every time he sees his brother practicing or talking about self-knowledge, he thinks it's all bullshit and doesn't waste time creating jokes about it. After all, good is what he believes to do. There's nothing better than working in a cool place, being fit and following the trends of the week. Henri is into all hype. Upon arriving at his room, he feels a huge emptiness. He doesn't know what that is and soon after, to disperse “this trip”, he turns on his computer to play and talk to his friends about the next phase.

With Lorena, business is different! She works 16 hours a day, travels whenever she can to the most incredible places on the globe and really likes to take pictures. Selfies. Where Loren goes, she takes selfies. Super extroverted, she has no one who doesn't like her vibe. Loren lives in a studio alone in the center of the city and whenever she gives she goes to visit her parents and her younger sister. She always hosts her little sister at home and likes to pay for everything for her. Even travel, including. As much as she cares for her sister and does things for her, Lorena believes she is her sister's second mother. Because she has a status that she thinks is cool, she has already taken a few moments to tell her parents how they need to take care of their sister. Lorena does yoga in a studio near her house, but her rush to get to class is so great that she almost always forgets to thank her neighbor for holding the elevator door or to say good morning to the doorman.

Self-knowledge vs self-sabotage

How long are you going to sabotage yourself?
Kristijan Arsov/Unsplash

When we are unaware or simply ignore the fact that the daily actions in our life impact the scenes of the next chapters of our own history, history tends to repeat itself until the vicious cycle is stopped. Thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions contribute to our next steps.

When we allow ourselves to develop self-knowledge, the world changes, as our way of seeing the world and of living in an XYZ world is closely linked to our own perceptions.

You know, one day I was part of the group of people who thought it was strange to see everything that was not consistent with my “reality” at the time, until I opened up and experienced the opportunity to transform myself. Allowing a gap of light to enter my BEING made more sense than any old and usual paradigm of the past.

When we practice self-knowledge on a daily basis, we let many veils of illusion fall. Gradually, they fall away until we perceive reality as it is and no longer as we thought it was. We stop identifying and judging certain patterns of everyday thoughts, feelings and attitudes, giving way to the new. A new chance to live more consciously.

How long are you going to sabotage yourself?

When we don't seek self-development, the probability of giving rise to small sparks of self-sabotage is greater. Habits like the ones I mentioned in the three stories at the beginning... when we are not in tune with human development, we think everything is very normal, and often we believe that in fact "hell is other people", "life is unfair", " everyone is toxic except me, unsown virgin lily of the valley” (laughs).

Jokes aside, seeking self-knowledge is as important as breathing! We can develop it through integrative and systemic therapies. Healing the wounded inner child and welcoming him with love will make a difference in our lives, in the short, medium and long term.

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If you identified with something here, I invite you to seek your own personal, mental, emotional and spiritual development through self-knowledge.

If you think it makes sense to forward this article to others, with the aim of helping them, I'd be happy to be able to spread awakening seeds out there.

3D (third dimension) needs a lot of love, acceptance, reception and good vibes.

With love, Giselli.

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