Don't regret tomorrow for not having lived today

Live your whole life, so that when you leave this planet, you will have nothing to regret! Look for your happiness within you! Cherish the moments and the little things! Be close to those people you love!

According to the testimony of Ana Claudia Arantes, a doctor at the Albert Einstein hospital in an interview given to TV Uol, people with terminal illnesses, realizing that they were close to death, were taken by regrets. They reported that they wanted to have lived more for themselves and not the lives of others, as many stopped living their lives to live for family members. Others wish they had given more time to the people they loved, and would still like to have told them they loved them, or even put limits when they needed to. And others wish they had worked less and lived more with friends.

Don't regret tomorrow for not having lived today

The reflection we can take from this story is the following:

Are we living our lives in such a way that when we leave, we leave with the feeling of having lived a life well lived?

Has your life been worth it?

Have you been living in the present, or are you waiting for the future to be happy? Are you waiting for the ideal relationship, the dream house or car? Of the expected job and promotion? Of the thousands of cash in your bank account? Or is it waiting for the recognition of others to live and be happy? Do not do it!

Your life is unique! It was given to you in a very special way by the Creator! Honor her by being happy now!

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

Steve Jobs

Don't regret tomorrow for not having lived today

Make your life worthwhile! Appreciate the little things! Laugh more, laugh at yourself! Have real friends! Don't take everything so seriously! give value to TO EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE, FEEL LIFE! Let go of everything that doesn't do you good! Don't waste your time with nitpicking!

Turn to live and really feel life! Appreciate being more than having!

We live in an extremely consumerist world. We are constantly bombarded by an avalanche of marketing attempts that send us subliminal messages that to be happy we need to have, have and have. And without realizing it, when we see it, we are engulfed by these suggestions that are ingrained in our subconscious. We often spend our entire lives chasing more and more in an attempt to be happy. And in fact, true happiness has nothing to do with these things.

Don't regret tomorrow for not having lived today

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Do the things that really matter to you! Don't try to please others!

Don't try to fulfill anyone's expectations! LIVE YOURS!

Work hard, but try to do what you love! Work, when we love it, is not a job, but a pleasure that fills us with motivation, joy and pleasure!

β€œLive every day as if it were your last! One day you will be right!”

Steve Jobs

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