Borderline Disorder: understand this disease that messes with human psychology

    Borderline Syndrome is a psychological type disease. Also called borderline personality disorder, it causes great swings in the mood of sufferers.

    In general, patients with this problem have moments of mood swings. Sometimes they are euphoric and stable, and at other times they manifest completely uncontrolled behaviors, as well as bouts of psychopathy. Although these symptoms begin during adolescence, they recur throughout adulthood.

    In most cases, Borderline Syndrome is confused with other diseases, such as bipolar, depression and schizophrenia. However, the intensity and also the duration of emotions is totally different. Therefore, it is essential that the individual is evaluated by a psychologist or psychiatrist. Only with the confirmation of the diagnosis is it possible to start the treatment.

    Among the most common symptoms and signs of Borderline syndrome, we can mention low self-esteem; the great fear of being abandoned by loved ones and friends; feelings of despair, anger and panic; great mood swings; feeling of emptiness and loneliness; anxiety and irritability that can generate a lot of aggression; addiction to games; impulsiveness; substance use; overeating; compulsively spending money and aversion to prevailing laws and rules.

    Borderline Disorder: understand this disease that messes with human psychology

    People who have Borderline Syndrome are very afraid that feelings and emotions will get out of their control. Therefore, they are generally considered irrational, especially in situations with great stress. To feel more stable, they depend a lot on the people around them.

    Borderline Syndrome is diagnosed through the individual's own reports, which are then observed by a psychiatrist or psychologist. It is also important to carry out physiological tests, such as serology and blood count, to rule out the possibility of other diseases, since the symptoms are very similar to those of other pathologies, such as schizophrenia and depression.

    In short, we can say that this syndrome is triggered by the existence of a genetic predisposition. But strong emotional experiences while individuals are still children can also cause this problem to appear.

    Borderline Syndrome is treated with the use of anti-depression medications (antidepressants), tranquilizers, and drugs that help stabilize mood. It is worth mentioning that they must be prescribed by a psychiatrist.

    In addition to treatment with the use of medication, it is essential that the individual with the syndrome undergoes psychological follow-up, in order to control all negative emotions and remain controlled. But this requires a lot of willpower and patience.

    Text written by FlΓ‘via Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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