How do you know if reiki therapy works?

    Reiki therapy was brought to the West by Hawaio Takata sensei in the 1980s, and since then, its diffusion and integration with other techniques has greatly expanded. Reiki is a combination of the Japanese words "rei" (primal cosmic energy) and "ki" (individual life energy), and can be applied by a therapist properly attuned to the symbols by a qualified master.

    However, at the same time that it became popular in the world, Reiki was trivialized, and many people discredit its results. On the one hand, by having instant effects of relaxation and well-being, the therapy can be used only to β€œrelax”, without, however, the person going deeper into a specific treatment with competent monitoring. On the other hand, as the therapy works on our subtle bodies, it is considered an intelligent energy. When we are not aware of these aspects, we can say that "Reiki didn't work for me".

    When working in the energy field, it is still difficult to measure the reach of the results of such practices, but they do work. Also, as we are very rational and want an explanation for everything (and this is not wrong), it may be that this look does not allow us to perceive the positive effects of Reiki, and even other holistic treatments.

    How do you know if reiki therapy works?
    Anete Lusina / Pexels

    The basis of Reiki therapy are the symbols that the person receives during the attunement and that vary according to the level of initiation, which are level 1, level 2, level 3A and level 3B or masters. In addition, there are several techniques that can be added to both face-to-face and distance applications. Therefore, anyone who thinks that, in order to become a Reiki therapist, is enough to be initiated is wrong. The truth is that studies must be in-depth if the person intends to help others effectively.

    Fortunately, there are already several academic works that seek to categorize the effects of Reiki therapy in Spain and in the world. Here, Ricardo Monezi's researches in the master's and doctorate are the most widespread, but the areas of Nursing and Physiotherapy have also related both knowledge with excellent rates of use of the people who participated in the experiments.

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    I advise you to try it and try to continue your treatment, with responsibility and focusing on your emotional intelligence to know and recognize yourself more and more. In fact, if it does you good, it's already a great sign that it's worth it, regardless of what your rational mind wants to counter. Allow yourself to receive this energy of love and harmonize your life force.

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