How do you know if a person is Yin or Yang?

Yin and Yang… Are these two words familiar to you? Maybe you don't know what they mean, but surely you must have seen the Yin-Yang symbol somewhere – that half black and half white circle, remember?! Many people tattoo it, draw it on walls in meditation studios, or simply use it because they imagine what it represents. But does everyone know what Yin-Yang really means? Pay attention to the article, understand a little more about its meaning and find out if you are more Yin or Yang!

What is Yin and Yang?

Yin and Yang are two concepts in Chinese philosophy that represent the duality of energies: light and dark. This principle details these two opposing forces that complement each other and are present in absolutely everything. Yin is considered the beginning or beginning of the night – the Moon, while Yang is the beginning or beginning of the Sun – the day. Some people understand Yin-Yang as the representation of the Moon and the Sun, the feminine and the masculine, the day and the night, but its concept is based primarily on the context of energies: the positive and the negative.

As its symbol shows us (the sphere, half black and half white), the ideal for a person to live in harmony with their own being is that the balance of energies is maintained - that's why many people keep asking themselves: " Am I more Yin or more Yang?”, β€œAre my energies balanced?”. But you must imagine that the excess of positive energy can be something beneficial… But know that not! Once one type of energy reaches its highest possible state, you are out of balance, and the other energy can come with a number of completely opposite effects.

Yin: represents the black color of the sphere, that is, the left side. It means inertia, coldness and passivity. It represents the feminine, the darkness, the moon and the night.

Yang: represents the white color of the sphere, that is, the right side. It means the opposite of Yin – attitude, activity and heat. It represents the masculine, the light, the sun and the day.

Now that you know a little more about what Yin and Yang mean, how about finding out what your dominant energy is? Are you more Yin or Yang? Read the characteristics of each one and see which one you identify with the most!

How do you know if a person is Yin or Yang?
Alexas Image – Photos by Pixabay

Characteristics of a Yin Person

– In routine life, lives discouraged and tired;

– The skin does not have a vibrant hue, or it is a little yellow or pale;

– He prefers the heat, his favorite season is summer;

– When you gain weight, fat accumulates in your hips and thighs;

- Has cold feet and hands;

– He is adept at afternoon naps on the sofa;

– Feel the sensation of recovering energy after drinking caffeine;

– Usually feels extreme tiredness in the legs;

– Works best at night;

– It is quiet, but not always willing;

– It is completely flexible and adapts easily.

How do you know if a person is Yin or Yang?
Image by WorldSpectrum – Photos by Pixabay

Characteristics of a Yang Person

- Has rosy cheeks

– When you gain weight, fat accumulates in your belly;

– Usually sleeps little and eats more than necessary;

– You are more likely to get stressed;

– He prefers the cold, his favorite season is winter;

– Usually suffers from constipation;

– His hands are wet and hot;

– Commonly is more emotional than rational;

– Speaks loudly;

– Your breathing is loud;

– Works best during the day;

– Prefers warm, hot or room temperature drinks;

– He is an energetic person, he is always β€œon”;

– It is not so flexible and does not adapt easily.

If you identified yourself much more with Yin, try to balance your energies! In your diet, prefer hot foods such as meats and vegetables. Some fruits have properties that are considered hot, like mangoes and cherries, for example. In emotions, identify which triggers lead you to sadness. Identifying what makes you feel bad is the first step in starting a balancing process. In the body, look for practices that provide warmth and self-confidence.

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If you identified yourself much more with Yang, seek your well-being with small changes! In food, opt for refreshing foods such as salads, cucumbers, herbs such as lemongrass and mint, and fresh fruits. Avoid meat and heavy foods a little. In emotions, identify the triggers that make you angry and make you stressed. Identifying triggers will always be an effective means of finding balance! In the body, practice activities that relax the body and mind. Avoid practices that make the body hot and allow yourself to feel tranquility!

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