How do you feel love?

I love to read and write, but sometimes ideas get confused and inspiration doesn't come...

These days I found myself in this situation: Word open and no words! So I decided to ask my traveling companion for a suggestion, and he immediately replied: write about us! At the time, I confess that I laughed a little and I didn't pay attention to his suggestion, but it kept ringing in my head, what do you mean to write about us? That's when I realized that I wasn't supposed to tell a beautiful story about a couple, I was supposed to talk about the noblest feeling of all: love.

They say that love is only known when we become mothers or fathers. I still don't know this love, so I venture to disagree. At my point of view, There are many forms of love and each one is special.

I think love begins with our first breath, when we come into the world and cling to the breast that nourishes us. This is a love that is born with us, what we feel for our parents, siblings, grandparents… in short, for those who are our blood family.

How do you feel love?

Perhaps the most difficult love to feel is self-love. It's amazing how we are able to love people, animals, food, places and music... and our own love is hard to let go. I believe that self-love is very much related to acceptance, and that when we understand that we are unique and special beings, that we have everything we need stored in our essence, it becomes easier to start loving yourself. We don't have to be attached to appearance, we don't have to love ourselves because our belly is thin or because our butt is firm... we love each other for who we ARE, we accept ourselves in our perfect “imperfection”.

Look in the mirror today and repeat: I love you, I love myself. I am everything I need.

All the love that is within you, for you, will reflect on those around you.

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From the moment this warm love invades our chest, it becomes much simpler to love the other, without judgment, without seeing color, creed or bank account... love, with all its purity, sees tenderness, smile, sensitivity and the sparkle in the eye…

How do you feel love?

I with the help of yoga and meditation, I learned to love myself gently, slowly and gradually, with each new dawn, I thank you for being who I am and I seek to love myself even more. When I caught myself in this process of learning to accept myself and, consequently, love myself, I found a person to share this love and get to know a new love: one that is built and strengthened daily, that becomes more tender each day, that brings joy and will, who makes plans, talks, teaches and learns. With all this love, I can say that I feel very happy… I love my family, I love my partner, I also love my life, the people around me, the places I live and the activities I do. Gratitude.

In the midst of so much turmoil that exists in our daily lives, we need to take the time to feel the love, whatever it is, for whoever it is… just love.

How do you feel love?

Love heals, transforms, educates and teaches. It brings us joy, fulfillment, patience and the desire to be better every day. This feeling allows us to see the world with another look, makes us see the beautiful in everything, and in a rational way. When we love, we are able to transform bad things into instruments of evolution, we are able to see colors through the fog, to keep our chests warm in the most severe cold.

I know that all people are full of love in their hearts, just let it sprout without restraint or prejudice, but with a lot of acceptance. Believe me, when this happens, a new way of seeing life and those around you will begin and you will be even happier!

Love yourself, tolerate yourself, accept yourself... be happy!

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