How do feelings affect the lungs and how to treat them?

How do feelings affect the lungs and how to treat them?

Have you ever noticed that your feelings were so intense that they even caused physical pain, like a tightness in your chest or a headache? Something similar happens in the case of psychosomatic illnesses.

This type of illness occurs when a person's feelings cause problems in their physical health. That is, the mind unbalances the functioning of the body. In fact, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ is related to a type of emotion.

With the content we have prepared, in addition to delving into the subject, you will understand what emotions affect the lungs, important organs of the respiratory system. Pay attention to the information we separate to take better care of yourself both physically and mentally!

Do emotions make the body sick?

It is a fact that emotions make the body sick. This phenomenon is called somatization because certain feelings result in symptoms in an individual's physical health. So it is as if the body makes a translation of emotions, so that they are experienced with even more intensity.

Going through a stressful situation and then facing a stomachache, for example, is a psychosomatic problem. Rather than simply feeling the tension build up, your body shows through the digestive system that it needs help to deal with this moment.

Therefore, the feelings we nurture can result in a drop in immunity, body aches, tingling in the arms and legs, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light, sleep disorders and problems in all systems of the body, from changes in the digestive system. to diseases of the respiratory system.

Thinking about your breathing, is everything working normally? Or do you feel short of breath, have you been coughing frequently and can't recover from the flu? If your answer was positive for any of these symptoms, you may have a psychosomatic lung disease. Keep reading the article to understand more about it!

How and what emotions or conditions affect the lungs?

Earlier, you learned that some of our feelings can affect our physical health. More specifically, there are emotions that, when experienced with intensity, negatively affect the lungs.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, these organs house the corporeal soul of a human being. This means that the lungs receive and release energies directly, as a gateway to and from the body. That is why the following emotions are very harmful to them:

1) Sadness

Sadness sickens the lungs and is the main emotion associated with them. When we go through a situation that causes this feeling, the bad energies that we should release get stuck in us, as if they were stuck. As a result, the lungs cannot function normally, which can cause flu, colds and bronchitis.

2) Anxiety

Anxiety is the name of an illness, but it is also a feeling. It is characterized by an excessive preoccupation with the future or with something that cannot be controlled. This fear causes the person to become distressed and vigilant all the time, which makes it difficult for the lungs to move correctly, so it is common to feel the air heavier.

3) fear

Like anxiety, fear is a feeling that makes the body more awake and ready to act quickly. For this reason, it is more difficult to calmly draw in and out, as it should be done. Breathing becomes faster and less efficient, and can cause dizziness if it stays that way for a long time.

4) Cooked

The loss of a loved one stimulates a series of negative feelings, such as guilt, longing, sadness, hopelessness and anger. As many of these emotions are expressed through crying, the lungs work in a dysregulated way. Frequent inhaling and exhaling movements weaken the lungs, which become more vulnerable to disease.

5) Worry

Worry is also part of fear and anxiety. By experiencing it frequently, whether as a result of work or some unpleasant situation, the lungs tend to become overloaded, with the need to breathe quickly and intensely. So the organs can have problems.

How to treat feelings that affect the lungs?

Feelings that affect the lungs are part of a person's life. At some point, we will all feel sad, anxious, worried, fearful, or grieving. So we should not dedicate ourselves to preventing these emotions from manifesting, as they are inevitable.

However, it is essential to analyze the frequency and duration of these negative feelings. If they're keeping you from thinking about something else and your life revolves around them, maybe you need some help to get back to feeling good.

This means that if you have been feeling unwell for some time, or even if you want to expand your self-knowledge to prevent this from happening, seek psychological care. This is the most efficient way to identify the root of your suffering and the ideal method for treating it.

Even if your family and friends offer you welcome and good times, it is essential that you seek professional help. The negative feelings mentioned above can be signs of a problem in your mental health, which will only be alleviated with the correct treatment.

However, if you are already experiencing the physical symptoms of emotions affecting the lungs, you should look into ways to treat these organs. See what they are in the following topics!

Treating the lung from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Since the lungs are understood as a center of energy concentration of the human body, for Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is important to recover the flow of vibrations through it. In this case, to remove the accumulation of negative energies stagnant in the chest, it is possible to resort to acupuncture, for example.

In addition, it is essential to know your own emotions and manage them, to prevent sadness and hurt from blocking the energy flow of the lungs. Other recommendations are to avoid intense cold, which makes it difficult for the organs to work, and to observe the production of nasal mucus. After all, in small amounts it protects the lungs, but in large amounts it clogs the nose, preventing breathing.

Treating the Lungs According to Western Medicine

According to Western medicine, there are numerous problems that affect the lungs. Viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms can compromise the functioning of the organs, resulting in cough, fever, nasal congestion and shortness of breath. Even the Covid-19 virus negatively damages the lungs.

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So, first of all, Western medicine would identify the physical cause of the problem in the lungs. As soon as it was discovered, it would be treated with medication or breathing exercises, depending on each case.

But if we consider that the problems in the lungs would be caused by an emotional issue, Western medicine would indicate a psychological and, perhaps, psychiatric treatment. In this way, it would be possible to better deal with the emotions that are harming the lungs, recovering their own well-being.

From the content presented, we observed that the lungs are directly related to the emotions we cultivate. So if we are often sad, anxious, worried, and fearful, our breathing is likely to take the toll. So always seek medical help to better deal with difficult times, protecting your body and mind.

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