How can philosophy help us in our daily lives?

Philosophy. That school subject that many insisted on not paying attention to. The professor talked for hours and hours about thinkers dating back to Ancient Greece, who questioned gods, life and existence itself. Plato's cave, "know thyself", the barrel of Diogenes... What does that have to do with you?

At that time, maybe it still didn't make sense. But philosophy goes far beyond great reflections on the ephemerality of our time on Earth. In everyday life, it can also be very useful.

That's right. You use philosophy when buying bread, making a post on your social network or relating to a friend. And she's the one who helps you make the best decisions at all times. Like this? Keep reading!

What is philosophy for in human life?

As your teacher explained, it is estimated that philosophy emerged approximately 3.000 years ago, in Ancient Greece, a place where great thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Thales of Miletus and many others.

It is difficult to answer what philosophy is, since, in its essence, it represents the thought responsible for questioning everything at all times. The objective is to stimulate reflection in a continuous cycle, raising new problems and new questions in all areas of knowledge.

Therefore, it serves to question anything, including itself, through a critical and reflective attitude. It is, simply, the search for knowledge that moves the human being.

How can philosophy help us in our daily lives?
Dmitry Ratushny / Unsplash

As a consequence, philosophy helps in the creation of concepts that will be very important for other areas, such as science. The methodological bases that support the scientific discoveries came from philosophy, considering that it is the root of much knowledge and anticipates problems to be developed.

Furthermore, it is she who guides the concepts of ethics and politics in our society. We are social beings and, therefore, we need to establish relationships that contribute to the common good and justice. It was using philosophy, for example, that we built the State and democracy.

In this way, it has a huge impact on our daily lives, helping us to reflect on the most banal things in our reality. The important thing is that nothing becomes automatic, because consciously reflecting on your decisions is a way of practicing philosophy. However, in recent times, we have lost this ability, as I will explain below.

How can philosophy help us think better?

If we stop to think about it, several of the paradigms that haunted humanity for centuries were deconstructed by the action of philosophy. Questions related to social movements, the laws of physics and even some inventions were only possible because of the evolution of knowledge.

It is as if philosophy opened the door for different areas to think about new and infinite possibilities. A boundless chain of discoveries, theories and hypotheses. With it, we can reflect on culture, nature, spirituality, aesthetics, politics, social relations, in short. Literally about everything.

As I said at the beginning, philosophy is present in all our actions and behaviors. But to reach that level of critical thinking, we need what is called idleness. What is it? It's free time to do absolutely nothing.

How can philosophy help us in our daily lives?
Zulmaury Saavedra / Unsplash

Think carefully. In your busy routine, in which you wake up early, prepare breakfast, run to work, often leave later at the boss's request, turn around in your 30s to get a course, get home and have to take care of the children, feeding the dog, going to bed late, but not without checking social media first... All this without leaving aside the routine of physical activities, reading, leisure, etc. At what point in your life are you able to stop to โ€œphilosophizeโ€?

So it is. The absence of idleness makes us live automatically, without questioning or reflecting on the world around us. And that's where intolerance, ignorance, totalitarian tendencies arise, among other situations that limit free thinking and relegate us to anguish.

With so many commitments, how can we use philosophy in our daily lives? How can it help us in the most routine decisions? Find out below!

Practical examples that show that philosophy helps us in everyday life

There are numerous situations that can be facilitated by the use of philosophy. Let's show four of them!

How can I make my solidarity reach more people?

The month came to an end and there was a little money left in the account. Instead of spending on any nonsense, you decided to donate this amount to a voluntary institution.

What criteria do you use to decide the destination of the donation? Is it the NGO you know on Instagram? The one closest to your house? The best known for TV advertisements? Or the one receiving donations for the disaster that hit the neighboring town?

Which of your options will benefit the most people? Pondering the number of people reached, the action of each institution and the way they act is a way of using philosophy in your favor โ€” and for the benefit of others too!

Should I position myself on social media?

If you frequently access your social networks, you must have noticed that daily, without exception, there is a controversy moving users' posts. Every now and then, it's someone getting cancelled. Sometimes a useless discussion on a banal subject. But every time, marked by thousands of posts oozing hatred, debauchery and irritation.

Whether your post will make much difference in that wave of indignation, I don't know. But if everyone thinks like that, the tidal wave will surely be much bigger.

Philosophy is the field of knowledge that raises precisely this question: how are we responsible for the pain we inflict on others? And what is the impact of this when we act together? Stop and reflect.

Who do I vote for in the next elections?

The questioning is the same during elections. A single vote may seem small, but together with several others it is enough to put a candidate in power. So, how will you choose the best option for the model of society you want in the future?

You need to analyze whether the person or party you are going to vote for is in line with your ideals of social justice, freedom of expression, economic equality, among other factors that you consider important.

There are several lines of philosophy that address precisely the choice of representatives of a society. Search and find out which one best suits your way of thinking. Maybe she can help with this important decision.

How to deal with death?

In recent years, we have had to face death in a much more present and intense way. The pandemic has changed the way we see the end of life, but concern about what awaits us after death has been a philosophical question for centuries.

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Immortality, the light at the end of the tunnel, the next life... All these are just hypotheses to explain the moment, but we will only know for sure when it happens. Maybe not like that. But thinking about it serves to remind us to enjoy it while there is still time and expand our questions with this beautiful tool that is philosophy.

Now that you understand how it can help in your daily life, set aside time for leisure. On a quiet weekend, stimulate your awareness. Reflect on life, death, your existence and the existence of the other. Use philosophical knowledge in grocery shopping or social media interactions. After all, so many years of accumulated theories will certainly help you to act both in the face of the deepest issues and in the face of the most banal situations.

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