Don't let anyone turn off your light!

You will not always be motivated by others. So encourage yourself!

What does it matter what “others” think of you? Sometimes some people will try to stop you from realizing your purpose and your objective. They will try to discourage you. Yes, some people will doubt your capacity for achievements, accomplishments or even your life mission, which you were called to carry out. Other times, these people will tell you that you can't do it and they may even laugh at your dream and try to make you give up on your desires. But don't! You are light! You are the Creator's child!

There are people who, because they are criticized, underestimated or even because they don't feel approved, give up on fulfilling their life mission, their dreams and goals. The fear of criticism blocks them! The need to please, to be accepted, to be well seen paralyzes them! This fear prevents the flow of their talent. And with that they fail to grace the world with their gifts. And as a result, they block the flow of prosperity in your life.

We all need to fulfill our mission! We came to the world for this. And if we fail to put this into practice, out of our need to please, we block our life!

Don't let anyone turn off your light!

Being afraid of the opinion of others or letting yourself be overwhelmed by pessimism, judgment and criticism will make you never leave your place. Your life is stagnant.

Trying to please the “world” is an illusion! No one will ever be able to please everyone!

If you are at peace and the path of your actions is one of honesty and justice, if you do not harm your fellow man or harm anyone for your own benefit, go ahead! Rest assured that the spiritual masters will be with you! No one can stop you from doing your life's mission, other than your own fear of the opinions of others and your desire to please. Don't cling to that idea!

Remember: all great leaders, people of great light and who did good here on this planet faced opposition, criticism and even the evil of others. Definitely history has shown us that the great mass was not always right.

Don't let anyone turn off your light!

If you have a desire to do something in your heart, but you feel discouraged, criticized, or even ridiculed at times, don't stop because of it! And it's not even justified! Don't care what others think or say about you!

Give your best!

What you truly are will always reveal itself and be greater than what people say or think about you. Who is light never goes out, because the function of light is to illuminate, it is to lighten, it is to point a path, it is to point a direction!

There are evil, envious people, who are lost in their own shadows, and because of that they pour out all the repression on those who have their own light and shine.

Don't let anyone turn off your light!
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There will always be people who will try to stop us from walking our path. But when we know ourselves, when we know what we came into this world for and what we were called for, no one can take us out of our way!

Your inner light does not belong to you! It's there for you to throw it to others! Then these other people will give it back to you!

Lisa Nicholas

Your light goes back and forth! It's like a lock towards the mirror that when you go to meet it reflects back on you! Shine your light on the world!

Herica Rodrigues

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