Home prison

    Dear friends, 

    A few years ago I visited a disused prison in Ushuaia, Argentina. That's right, at the end of the world.

    Night fell early and around 17pm I found myself alone in an old unrestored wing. A hallway full of creepy old cells. All plunged into terrifying darkness. Very cold. Much silence.

    And that's when I learned. And this is what I want to share with you, noble friend:

    โ€œWe stop having nightmares when we see the darkโ€.

    See, or rather, understand: it is not seeing โ€œinโ€ the dark, but โ€œtheโ€ dark.

    I entered a cell and closed the heavy solid wooden door. Inside, I took a deep breath and realized that this dark space was for me. It belonged to me. And I to him. There was no one else there. Whoever its former tenant had been had long since moved out.

    I turned off any bad or negative energy in the place and connected only to myself.

    And I felt that dark was my dark. My shadows, my fears and my anxieties.

    My out of control.

    Home prison

    I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and thought:

    "What's the worst thing that can happen to me now?"

    I took the risk, opened my eyes and what happened? Just darkness. Just it. Is this the worst? Or the best?

    It is what it is! And I could feel a peace inside that I rarely feel.

    This peace you can also feel inside. Just see your shadow, your own darkness. Just see her. And feel that it's just a part of you. Don't try to turn on the light right away. There are no switches in the dark.

    Well, my dear, I continue to this day to process my learnings, but the more I come into peace with my dark side, the clearer everything becomes for me.

    Does that make sense to you? Accept seeing and understanding your shadows? No? Okay, sometimes it doesn't make any sense to me either! What?

    Do you want to know what I did right after this mystical passage through the disused pavilion of the prison? Why, I stopped by the prison shop, of course!

    A kiss without locks and locks to all of you. 

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