5 mental blocks that prevent you from manifesting your dreams

The concept of manifestation in Thetahealing® is the belief that it is possible to create something within the physical using the power of the Creator of All That Is. All statements, thoughts and actions reflect what we are manifesting in our lives. Every decision is made on the mirror reflection of what we choose to create. What we think and say has a direct bearing on our manifestations, whether they will be for our benefit or detriment. If you constantly say that you are poor, you will be. If you constantly say and think that you are financially abundant, you will be. It is of utmost importance to remain in a positive state of mind. When you are deciding what you want to manifest in your life, the biggest challenge is deciding what it is you really want. Many people don't know what they want out of their lives, so they never get it done.
The truth is that we are creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best that the world has to offer. But first you must decide what it is that you want in your life and what are you going to do with it? 

Your brain is very smart and the subconscious is really fast, and it's very fast how things work. If you say, "I want such a thing," your subconscious will see what will happen if you have it, and if what comes is not good, you will block yourself from manifesting what you would like.

So, I'm going to bring some blocks that may be preventing you from realizing your dreams:

1- Remorse

People are often unable to make a decision in life, because of thoughts taught by our society, such as: “I should/could have done it”... In many cases, these emotions or feelings generate the fear of taking a step forward for Fear of failing or making mistakes again.

5 mental blocks that prevent you from manifesting your dreams

2- Resentments

Clearing resentments will actually gain valuable space in your mind, and you will realize how much time and energy the resentment takes away from you. Find which situation, or person, you resent. And how is this serving you? Make an honest assessment, what are you learning from it? And if there is any good, you should keep it without having to go through the lesson again. And all you have to do now is reap the good and get rid of having to resent that person. This clears up your brain, clears activities and makes room for true manifestations.

Everything that has happened in your life matters to you, and we are learning all the time and you will start putting the pieces together of what you are learning on this planet.

3- Greed

One of the biggest blocks you can have is coveting what others have. On the contrary, you must focus on your own life so that you can manifest abundance clearly. Instead of focusing on what others have, don't compete with anyone and focus on your own goals and life path. Remember: there is plenty of money and plenty for everyone!

4- Anger

Getting angry can be quite common for people when they have not yet reached their exact manifestations. This anger is often misdirected towards the people around you, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Anger can also become focused on the Creator when abundance is not achieved. Our own beliefs hold us back, and it is more important to locate these anger programs than to blame the Creator or anyone other than yourself.

5- Lack of Direction

Some people aren't able to achieve what they want because they don't have a direction in their lives. They may know what they want to create, but they may be unaware that they are capable of creating. Some people have the belief that it is selfish to want things or to want things to be better. Remember that wanting is a human characteristic... And denying wanting is denying yourself the condition of being human.

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