History and benefits of Chromotherapy

It is a therapy that uses the electromagnetic frequencies of colors to stimulate physical, mental, emotional and energetic balance, promoting the harmonization of the organism in a systemic way.

Chromotherapy has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1976 and has been included in the list of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (PICS) in SUS – since March 2018.

This very ancient practice was used by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, Chinese and Indians, who initially benefited from therapy through the colors of flowers, minerals and precious stones, including for medicinal purposes.

Chromotherapy has a wide application, we can mention: food, harmonization of environments, clothing, chromopuncture (application of colors on acupuncture points), chromated or solarized water (exposure of water to sunlight), light sticks (direction chakras or other body regions) and in business, as the chosen colors can leverage sales according to market or product segmentation.

History and benefits of Chromotherapy
The Awakening of the Buddhas

In 1920, Dr. Dinshah Ghadiali introduced her healing system with colored lights to the world in New York City. He called his development Spectro-Chrome. The studies and research of Dr. Dinshah proved that the body could be benefited when exquisitely exposed to light, but he came under severe criticism at that time.

However, his theory is very well explained nowadays with the example of the medical conduct of phototherapy that uses blue light to treat neonatal jaundice, in a non-invasive way, normalizing the health of babies.

According to experts and scholars, each color has a different electromagnetic frequency that resonates with different parts of our body and emotional states, restoring balance in a systemic or isolated way, depending on the treatment applied.

History and benefits of Chromotherapy
Daniele Levis/Unsplash

Below, check out the color chart and their main emotional performances:

Color - Benefits

Red – Strength, conquest, victory, vital energy

Orange – Creativity, joy, optimism, sympathy

Yellow – Stimulates mental capacity, study, relaxation

Green – Growth, hope, determination

Blue – Harmony, communication, trust, serenity

Anil – Intuition, inspiration, concentration, discernment

Violet – Spirituality, devotion, contemplation

Therapeutic treatment using Chromotherapy

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After the anamnesis, the professional will evaluate the individual in an integral way, identifying the necessary color and the best way to apply the resources of chromotherapy, which can be using a chromatic stick, solarized water, lamps, among others.

Although the treatment of therapeutic practice is relatively simple, it is important to take some precautions, as there may be contraindications depending on the emotional, mental and physical state of each person.

I'm Adrilene Eufrasio, Naturopath. To schedule a face-to-face session, send me a message on WhatsApp at (11) 99276-1808.

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