Hipster gone, fashion is now Fitster

Hipster that nothing, the business is now Fitster! There are so many behavioral trends that have emerged in recent times, that those who are on the outside are increasingly lost with all this. Fitster can be considered a lifestyle that values ​​fashion trends, healthy eating and lots of exercise.

This new trend, which above all values ​​health and physical appearance as essential elements, currently represents a market that moves trillions of dollars around the world. In España, for example, several celebrities such as Lucas Lucco and Gracyanne Barbosa are already concerned about sharing their workouts and healthy life on social networks.

Mark Hunter, known as Cobrasnake, is an American photographer who, for a few years, was a hipster icon. During this period, he photographed young hipsters in private Los Angeles nightclubs. However, he decided to replace the busy life with the search for balance and a sculptural body. Today, he runs a Fitster group called the 'Cobra Fitness Club', made up of former hipsters and young people who gave up their binge to pursue a healthy life.

Hipster gone, fashion is now Fitster

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The group coordinated by Hunter, in addition to healthy practices, participates in collective walks at least twice a week and during all of them they take countless photos – they are all passionate about selfies. They also practice health bragging, which theoretically means showing off healthy habits and products via social media.

In terms of fashion trends, brands are increasingly paying attention to the style that has been called athleisure (athletic + leisure / athletic + leisure). Big brands like Nike, Adidas and Puma are already consecrated for producing sports apparel and pieces that can also be used outside the gyms, but now, other brands are interested in participating in this new concept.

Whether Hispter, Fitster or another lifestyle, everyone should seek what makes them feel good and brings joy. The important thing is to have balance and keep your health up to date.

Article written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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