Libido: the energy that drives life!

Libido: Feminine noun that in Latin means "longing or desire". Also described as usable energy for life's instincts.

Sigmund Freud described it as “Energy that drives life”.

For Carl Jung it was "All the energy or psychic life force of man".

Saint Augustine was the first to distinguish 3 types of desires:

I am willing to know desire for knowledge;

Desire to feel = sexual desire in the broadest sense;

Desire to dominate = desire to dominate in a broad sense.

Whenever libido is mentioned, people tend to focus exclusively on the sexual aspect. However, libido is not only related to this aspect. It is present in ALL areas of life.

So, when a woman says that she has no more libido or that she is low, we need to listen very carefully and attentively to this statement.

Libido: the energy that drives life!
Andrea Piacquadio's photo at Pexels

Simply answering this woman who – often in Climacteric or Menopause – is like that either due to low levels of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone or due to medication she takes for depression or melancholy that some feel for fear of the changes that occur in this phase is a very simplistic form of answer.

Yes, these could be some of the causal factors, but it's not the "deadline"!

Self-esteem is libido! Self-knowledge is libido! Joy of living is libido! Creative potential is libido! It's Chi, life force! It is Prana, vital energy! It's Orenda, mystical power, life force!

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There is nothing in Nature that does not have Chi, Prana, Orenda, Libido.

Therefore, stimulating this woman to increase or improve her libido is fundamental, whether from a sexual point of view (and there are several ways to help in this, through food, medicinal herbs and a healthy lifestyle), as well as in other aspects, because it's life! It's glitter!

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