healing the ancestry

    Beloved! Ancestry is what came before, no matter the time. It could be something recent or it could be something very old, taking many thousands of years. Considering that we have hundreds of incarnations here on planet Earth alone, it is only natural that we have a long history of life in physical bodies.

    Being the soul incarnated in a material body in this world of Atonements and Proofs, all the necessary lessons were experienced, so that this Soul Fractal could complete its learning and make its ascension. The moment is the most important part of this long journey that you have determined to go through.

    Over successive incarnations, you have learned what life in duality is like. He learned the difference between being good and being bad; between being poor and being rich; between being an executioner and being a victim; between being healthy and being sick; between being a teacher and being a student; between being in charge and being commanded; finally, we can mention here all the situations in which there are polarities.

    Polarities are always the extremes within two possibilities, and this is the characteristic of Worlds where duality predominates. The learning that is offered here on Earth has, for all time, been based on the Law of Cause and Effect. The experiment in one polarity or another makes each soul understand that the middle path is the balance necessary for life to be more harmonious.

    This School of Souls was not easy for anyone! I wrote in a previous text that only courageous Spirits accepted the challenge of the experience in a World of Third Dimension, even more with the conscience limited in 1% or 2% of its capacity and submitted to the veil of oblivion.

    Only when the veils are fully lifted will each of you be able to measure the size and importance of each soul's moment of ascension. Then each one will truly feel the taste of having overcome what can be called the greatest challenge that a soul can experience within the infinite Universes.

    But before that, it is necessary to clean the ancestral memories that are still inside each one. Since the Fifth Dimension is a higher frequency, it cannot receive any Spirit that has Third Dimensional vibrations still within it. It's like someone who goes to a bank with some metal close to his body: the magnetic door doesn't allow him to pass.

    Ancestry is a set of low vibration memories, as they only remain with each one because they have caused a lot of pain and suffering. The human being has this characteristic of keeping bad memories for a longer time. Positive experiences are easily forgotten, but those that caused pain and discomfort are remembered for posterity.

    healing the ancestry
    Alfonso Scarpa / Unsplash

    Let's make clear here the difference between Karma and Trauma. Karma is the result of something painful we do to another. That's why it needs rescue. Nobody gets rid of Karma without it being paid off. Trauma, on the other hand, does not require a ransom, as it is not a contracted debt. It's just a memory of something that has already been lived. And most of the time it is precisely the memory of the suffering that each one had to go through to rescue their Karmas.

    In 2019, in a channel transcribed here, it was said that the time was to CURE ANCESTRALITY. Two years have passed and the work has intensified. The closer we are to the Great Event, the more urgent the need for this cleansing will become.

    Anger, fear, hunger, diseases, plagues, murders, slavery, injustices, wars, fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, hangings, prisons, in short, the painful memories faced in successive incarnations are infinite. As if the hard experiences faced were not enough, we still bring the memories of the family members, who were involved in each period.

    Collective memories, especially those of family members, still produce the problems and diseases that are said to be hereditary. Most of the members of each family have also been together in past lives. And each of us is always, in fact, an ancestor of ourselves. This forms a tangle of memories from which it is not easy to get rid of.

    Healing ancestry is intensive work and requires a lot of effort and dedication. Becoming aware of this past, understanding it and letting go is an important and necessary step now. All those who will make their ascension need to let go of the 3D energy that makes up such memories. Every Portal that opens and every pulse of photonic Light that arrives is an opportunity for cleansing.

    Notice what you felt between the 1st and the 8th of August, exactly today, while the Lion's Gate was open. See what unpleasant symptoms have arisen. They are the ones who show you what still needs to be healed. But remember that you don't have to suffer anymore. If you can't do the work yourself, ask for help. There are many wonderful techniques that quickly release such memories without having to go through so much discomfort.

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    I can recommend someone here who does a wonderful job and who I know very well, as she is a therapist I trust, as we have worked together for 8 years. She is scheduling a 21-DAY QUANTUM HEALING JOURNEY between September 3rd and 23rd. If you want to heal your ancestry faster, contact Dinara Schio by WhatsApp: (54) 99958-9292. It is necessary to register because without registration it is not possible to be included in the healing process. Applications close on August 31.

    Despite the discomfort that memories of the past bring us, ancestry is our own history. Sad, joyful, painful or painful, it is the fantastic path that we follow step by step, from the moment we accept the experience of duality in a Third Dimensional World. When we are free from the veils, we will proudly remember all of this. But until then, we need to understand that the suffering we still feel today is nothing more than ancestral memories. And that way, we don't have to feel so much discomfort. trust! The worst has gone!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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