Heal and be healed with quantum energy

Beloveds, today we are going to start a series of articles that aim to clarify and prove how any ordinary person can quickly become a Quantum Therapist or even just learn to use this quantum energy, also called Vital energy, to heal their own life, your family, friends, clients or patients.

My experience: I am highly sought after for my Vocational Training courses in these techniques. My appointment schedule, whether in the office or at a distance, is always full… Why? Well, forgetting a little about Quantum Physics, what matters most is "word of mouth", according to the RESULTS of each one who receives these energies and heals right away in the first sessions. Many years ago, I chose to work only with the so-called BRIEF THERAPIES, which aim to teach and free the patient instead of imprisoning him to hundreds of sessions, as the patient ends up confusing the therapist with a guru or a crutch, where he only walks with your support. This is wrong. For that, within my PTCA® program (Therapeutic Program for Healing the Soul), I use several of these techniques (which I mentioned in the subtitle of the text), aiming at the speed of treatment. However, all the techniques used are powered by the same energy: Quantum Energy.

Well, the patient wants to constellate, ok, let's go... The patient wants to receive a quantum touch or Reiki to relieve and cure their symptoms, ok, let's go... However, all it is moved by the same energy, which is nothing more than adequate to each method of energy healing that exists in the "Market".

The most renowned Quantum Physicists, Energy Channelers, Scientists, Spiritual Doctors and Philosophers in our history, each with their own method, all use the same energy. But as a scientist, philosopher, and parapsychologist, something bothers me about this story enough to share it with you.

Each of these scientists name their methodology, only adding or taking away a new view on another already existing theory. This is not done out of malice, but because it is the means that each one finds to advance their own science, explaining and teaching their “new methods” based on their experiments and results.

However, this “cat basket” ends up confusing people more and more, who run from one professional to another “Waiting for a miracle”.

Heal and be healed with quantum energy

Guys, please! The miracle and healing is within each of us and not in the therapist. Learning how to use this energy will not only be helpful for your self-healing, but also in balancing the vibrational field of your family, your home, your work, your patients, and so on. Being in harmonious vibration, the cells communicate and in a very short time those that are already healed, transmit the healthy waves to the sick cells and thus the healing process takes place. In the same way, we manage to “infect” an environment and people who are by our side, neutralizing, harmonizing and restoring their vibration positively. Hence the expression:

“When you change, everything around you changes.”

Each of these philosophers, physicists and scientists, based on their own beliefs, carried out their experiments and today they are in the market (they and/or their followers), teaching people and training professionals according to their own methods. An example: Many of them say they have channeled this information by ascended masters, others by a race other than human, others say they have intuited and others that they received the instructions from the apparitions of saints, but anyway, what to believe? This is our proposal: Quantum physics studies and proves the results without analyzing whether its author is a spiritualist, skeptic, was abducted, etc…

So the purpose of this text is:

Do not cling to any theory, learn to use this energy and, from your experiments and results, create your own technique, according to your belief and the results obtained by you. The best story during a course or lecture is YOUR LIFE STORY.

Of course, developing the gifts, learning new techniques and being sensitive make all the difference, however, all this can be developed and learned, as it is available in the Universe for all those who are open to receive.

Concerned with so many positive results, from reports of healing through the most varied forms of Energy Healing, science felt obliged to investigate. After all, it could all just be a “placebo effect”, but it wasn't! And so, Quantum Physics has been proving the existence of these energies, because regardless of the method, the results draw attention. The evidence is that this Quantum Energy is able to recover the cells of our body from their vibrational balance. Quantum was once a scientific term, but it is becoming common nowadays. However, knowing that these energies exist and that we can all have access, and that does not mean trying to understand what Quantum Physics is, because it is extremely complex, but the results obtained from a technique for accessing it are extremely simple.

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But, for those who want to delve deeper into this study, I will make a brief scientific comment here so that later they can look for more information.

According to Rafael Rodrigues, author of the Astropt.org website, Quantum Physics emerged around 1.900, as an attempt to explain nature in its smallest aspects: the basic constituents of matter and everything that may have an equal or smaller size. In other words, think about this: everything that is bigger than an atom is subject to the laws of physics we call “classical physics”, right? For example, they experience the pull of gravity, the laws of inertia, action and reaction, and so on. But when we analyze sizes smaller than an atom, everything changes and the rules of classical physics are NO longer valid. It was then necessary to admit that other laws were necessary to deal with this reality, and also a totally revolutionary physics, which became known as Quantum Physics.

The principle of Quantum Physics is that everything is a set of possibilities, nothing is immutable, everything is in motion and so, as it has been proven that all “matter”, like us and everything that is palpable, is actually made of pure energy. It was then summarized that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, therefore, when we transcend the paradigms that we were taught, we can have a new way of SEEING, BEING and LIVING, under universal laws, which have become superior to the basic laws of physics. Just understand that we all have a universe of possibilities, eliminating any concept of “destiny”, “karma”, among others. We are creators of our own world, what we believe becomes our reality. If your life isn't going well in some way, why be bound by the laws of conventional physics? Let's get to know and learn how to use this energy, changing our vibrational field and healing ourselves, our neighbors, environments, relationships, patients, etc... One of the famous scientific proofs of this world of possibilities is the example of the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation, as a approach to the generalized case of the de Broglie theory. Schrodinger later demonstrated that both approaches were equivalent and became known for the classic thought experiment called “Schrodinger's cat”, which illustrated quantum relativism with the idea that a cat enclosed in a box is both alive and dead, while not open the box and be sure what the true state of the cat is, illustrated simply in this image:

Heal and be healed with quantum energy
Kaboompics .com/Pexels

Wave-particle duality says that particles behave either as particles or as waves. In our daily lives, it seems that we live on a flat planet, which you know is not true; our world is a sphere, and in space there is no right or left, up or down.

Our day takes place on a so-called macroscopic scale (everything we can see with the naked eye, so to speak). They are the objects that we can see without the help of lenses or atomic microscopes. Quantum physics deals with very, very small things. Much smaller than a millimeter. There are several particles in the atom, such as neutrons (which contain a neutral charge and are made up of three quarks) and protons (which are positively charged, also made up of three quarks); together they form the atomic nucleus.

The world we live in is made of atoms. Atoms are made of even smaller things called quarks and electrons. Atoms, electrons, quarks, and something else so small that we still don't know much about it, called a photon, have bizarre behavior from time to time: we can never know exactly where they are. It's not for lack of powerful instruments, it's a law of physics, called Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which says that we'll never know the exact position of things. We will never know exactly where the electrons of an atom are. It's a very strange thing, but it's the truth. There are electrons that even disappear from one place and reappear in another, something like teleportation. We can't see which way they went to get from one place to another, we just know that they do. In parapsychology, we call this phenomenon “Input”.

Have you ever lost a key and then found it in a place you would never have left it? So it is. These phenomena are proven, however complex, so it is enough to know that there are theoretical and practical foundations that prove such phenomena. Remember that we are not analyzing how a light bulb lights up, or how we receive TV or cell phone signals, we simply enjoy these technologies, without questioning them. This is the proposal, how to use this healing energy, without having to study hundreds of books.

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  • Learn how Quantum Therapy works
  • Explore the relationship between quantum physics and spirituality
  • Understand how energy unites all people

This is only possible with training, which is no longer about Faith, but about being open to learn and enjoy all that is available to everyone in the Universe. At the end of this text, we suggest some ways to facilitate your access to this energy.

Even though Quantum Physics is very weird, it was from there that the greatest advances in our current technology emerged. Even the computer, smartphone or tablet on which you are reading this text owes a lot to quantum mechanics.

This phenomenon was also proven in the theory of evolution of “morphogenetic fields” or “Morphic Fields”, formulated by the British biologist Rupert Sheldrake and based on concepts from Quantum Physics, such as non-locality. He proves why we sometimes have the feeling of being watched (title of one of his books) and also how a flock of birds is able to dance perfectly with such complex choreographies, without a single mistake. Everything is part of this QUANTUM ENERGY.


Beloved ones, let's make the following clear, this is not my merit, nor of any of the great masters of science or great healers. Over the years and much research has been discovered that this energy and its benefits CAN BE USED BY ANYONE. However, each professional had their own discoveries and thus the most diverse names of "Quick Therapies" have emerged that shine the eyes of those who can no longer bear to suffer from physical and emotional pain, both of which occur due to an unbalanced energy vibration in the system of each individual. a.

Today's text was introductory to support the other articles that we are going to talk about:

  • How to access this energy
  • Quantum Family Constellations
  • Vibrational Therapies
  • Quantum Touch, Reiki or Pranic Healing
  • How to amplify this energy through: Magnetic and quantum equipment; Quantum Nutrition; Induced sound and physical vibrations; Self-hypnosis and meditations.

Among many other topics that I will cover in other articles in this matter.

To better understand each of these processes, follow our schedule of appointments, courses, workshops, training and Therapeutic training.

A kiss on the Soul, With God Always!

Reference: http://www.astropt.org/2013/08/05/o-que-e-essa-tal-fisica-quantica/

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