He used to smile

    He used to smile


    And now, at Institutometafisico.com, there's a moment InspireAction!


    “Smiling is the most efficient way to face loneliness. When we smile, we see better what surrounds us and make room for people to get closer, to start a conversation. Our emotional health only gains from this, we are more interesting with a smile on our face. More vulnerable, too, it's true, but there's nothing to fear: smile whenever you can, life takes care of the rest. And don't feel guilty if you can't smile once in a while. Enjoying sadness is also good, it's just not worth letting it take care of your heart."

    Smile at life, for it gives back!

    Our mission… Here is the place for those who seek self-knowledge as the main tool for personal and spiritual development. This will reflect on your relationships with you and, consequently, with the world around you.
    For Instituto Metafisico, helping people gain skills and knowledge is not just a commitment, but a passion. With a wide variety of courses and services, we make self-knowledge easy, accessible and fun.

    “We want a better world, improving your WORLD, but for that, it only needs that you want the same too.â€

    Kisses and until next time… Bye, bye!

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