Have you ever wondered where the cold hits harder?

The ancient land of drizzle in recent days has been seen as the Frozen land. If one of the NLP assumptions says:
  • Every action has a positive intention.

What, then, would be the intention of nature?

I keep asking myself: at some point in your life, did you ever think that distributing more love might be what nature is asking for?

Do you feel cold with the people around you and with the people who offer you attention, affection and dedication? Or with that person who just wants to know if you're okay, if you've fed or need something, that person who does everything to feel belonging to your cycle of loved ones?

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Do you do this with those you have no idea who they are, but who make a difference in your life (employees, servants, helpers, housekeepers, co-workers, etc.)?

Have you ever wondered where the cold hits harder?

Have you already put down on paper how many hours a day you deliver to zapzap or cell phone in general and how many hours a day you call, have lunch or chat with people who need your affection?

A survey (The Importance of Touch) carried out in 1944 in the United States proved that a baby does not survive if it is not touched tenderly; that is, even if he eats and has his basic hygiene very well taken care of, without the touch that will bring him the feeling of security he soon gets sick and dies. Realize that human beings can survive up to four days without water and 30 days without food, but if they do not receive shelter for a period (basic need), it is possible that they will not survive.

This is even useful for romantic relationships, but it fits in different contexts.

What would be your share of contribution in this?

Warm your heart by nurturing it with affection, reciprocity, empathy and self-responsibility for everything you say. Be aware.

If you're talking to someone, just be with that person. If you are on mobile, be on mobile only. If you are taking care of your pet, just be with the pet. By doing this, you will realize how much your heart will shield and heal you, ridding you of toxic mental waste.

Save the world by distributing human warmth, but first by saving your inner world.

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