Have you ever molded yourself to fit into someone's life?

    First of all, we should always know that toxic relationships don't just come from a romantic relationship, it can happen in your relationship with your relatives, your family, your friends, in your work environment and more!

    In a healthy relationship, there will be mutual agreements and things that both of you will give up to get along, and that's okay. Failing to do certain things in your single life, for example, is something that makes sense when you're in a romantic relationship.

    An unhealthy relationship is when there are too many demands on one side and the person simply dictates what the other should and should not do.

    When you relate, you automatically end up sharing and sharing quirks, dreams, customs, conversations, desires and, sometimes, some people end up being shaped by the other, letting themselves forget who they really are.

    Have you ever molded yourself to fit into someone's life?
    fizkes / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    A toxic relationship is most often not clear to those who are experiencing it.

    Attitudes like what you should and shouldn't do, what you should or shouldn't wear, who you should and shouldn't see.

    Certain restrictions end up causing you to lose your self-esteem and increasingly seek the approval of the other instead of listening to and loving yourself in your essence.

    Over the time of a toxic relationship, you end up getting lost and confused about your feelings, about your future, awakening fears and trauma.

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    If you start to cancel yourself out to try to fit in and stay in a relationship, give up your desires and dreams for a relationship or the need to feel loved, it is necessary to seek help from a professional who will be able to guide you on how to supply and understand what you are living, how to act and how to develop your self-esteem again and have control over your feelings and your life.

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