You are the one who creates your reality!

What have you been saying to your body, your mind and your life? Good things or not so much?

Everything they consider to be true becomes true for them. They are his faithful followers.

Yes, you attract people, jobs, problems and solutions to your space. It all depends on how you are dealing with your truths, with your inner universe.

Low self-esteem can wreck your life and plans. Conflicting thoughts and bad choices too.

Old, outdated and limiting beliefs prevent success, prosperity and healthy relationships.

Is your current situation related to your inner world? Yes, be sure of it. Your life is the result of what orbits in your physical and subtle bodies.

Some people are more likely to do well in the face of adversity than others.

In a moment of crisis, the ability to reverse and transform a problem into a solution will depend on the level of awareness of your ability to create the reality you want.

Now imagine yourself sucking a very sour lemon and notice your salivation. His body responds to the commands of his mind, which in turn is his belief file.

The repetitive mental patterns you nurture make your body react automatically. Releasing hormones that act in the body, which can cause imbalances of all kinds.

Your cells, your organs, your integrated systems that make up this wonderful world working in your favor.

Those who don't love themselves and live blaming themselves, pass on to the body the sad feeling of lack of love. Believing in this illusion, he begins to lose his ability to self-heal. If you identify with suffering, it will be with you.

The inner world expressed in the outer world. You create your reality according to your beliefs. Yes, you are responsible for your health or illness, happiness or suffering.

The way you react to life makes you more or less happy.

A universe of thoughts and feelings projected onto the body and aura.

You feel anger, fear, sadness, joy... You judge, absolve, condemn, interpret...

And everything that happens inside is the only truth that your body and your mind and life have as a parameter to react to the stimuli they receive.

A pattern of constant anger, for example, causes the body to produce enough acidity to become ill.

Recall a time when you felt very angry and bring the emotion into your body. It will stiffen and your joints will be compromised.

Anger is a consequence of frustrated expectations that the mind creates and doesn't know how to deal with. Always according to what you allowed her to assimilate as right or wrong.

What if you in that situation could act more consciously and less reactively?

Maybe he could have avoided all that discomfort.

Emotional explosions disrupt the physical body and subtle bodies, they are even like powerful "bombs" that destroy energy balance and fluidity.

You are the one who creates your reality!Your beliefs guide your behavior, your life is the result of the integration of body, mind and spirit.

So pay attention to what you say to them.

Your way of living and living express who you are right now. What you offer to life and to people is what you will get in return, as a reward.

In my consultations, I come across many cases of women who suffer in their marital relationship, repeating the pattern of the parents' relationship.

This happens because in your childhood learning, your mind and your body assimilated that this is the only possible reality, involving problematic, abusive, exhausting relationships.

Suffering becomes β€œnormal” and β€œacceptable”.

These women unconsciously attract men who provide them with the reality they believe to be true. This mental and emotional pattern that accompanies them is recorded, until when they can become aware to change the situation.

So, take a good look at what it has made of you, of your world, of your reality.

You can be happy, have fulfillment and achieve your goals, as long as you are aware of the baggage that no longer serves you on this trip.

Throw away all kinds of prejudices and truths, believe in your creative potential.
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