Happy March 2020!

“Surrender as I have, dive into what you don't know as I have. Don't worry about understanding... Living surpasses any understanding." - Clarice Lispector

Dear friends, here we start the month and also the year, since for many the year actually starts after Carnival. I wish you all a Happy and surprising 2020 with health and peace… but… why surprising?

I explain:

I like to plan and thus prepare myself for the situations that I will live assertively, but today I consciously know my limited power when it comes to the experiences that, due to the element of surprise... and then you can call it destiny, chance, Universe... to face… and I will do it serenely because the “blessed maturity” teaches me day after day that it must be so and that the chapter has to be written. So be it!

Happy March 2020!

Dearest reader who is here with me now, I would like to know how you deal with issues involving planning and with issues involving surprises… do you savor them or do you fear them first?

What can we learn and how much can we allow in the face of every surprise in our life? To what extent can living planning everything be beneficial?

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The month is starting and I would like to wish you all more LIFE and less PLANS! We will never know about all the risks and misfortunes along the way, but there is the certainty that moving forward will always be the fairest and most correct thing to do: going back or giving up can be comfortable, but the act of “launching” to the challenge builds us up… complacency imprisons us. Think about it. We talk a lot about NLP and the exercises proposed for the resumption of our emotional control and thus being able to strengthen ties and strengthen relationships... we also talk about the importance of getting out of the comfort zone... The first act has to be exciting to the point where there is no option but to FOLLOW!

Happy March 2020!
Unsplash/Holly Mandarich

But I've planned a few things for our column, okay? In that case it's allowed, huh?

Let's talk even more about NLP, health, law and citizenship.

I hope you… Always!

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