Fire element

Today we are going to talk about the Fire element, the one that burns wherever it goes.

Of the four main elements of nature – Water, Earth, Fire and Air – the predominant composition of Fire is hydrogen.

Those born ruled by Fire are of choleric temperament: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Determined, angry, courageous, creative, persistent, hardworking, irritable, susceptible to discussion, jealous, vindictive, passionate, rash and angry.

Fire element

In each of our cells, there are the 4 elements in their constitution, so we are basically formed by Earth, Fire, Water and Air. However, as our sign receives a certain amount of certain forces with the predominance of a certain element, then our cellular composition indicates our essence.

The way we choose to compose our body will vary according to the need of the original plan… If we come with an impetus for changes, for example, we bring a predominance of hydrogen in the cellular composition, that is, more Fire.

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The fire burns, it is the transforming flame.

A Fire person who tries to be Zen fails! haha ha

Wow, you can be here on this page, you want to meditate, do Yoga, be zen and calm, but you can't?! It's normal, this is your nature.

We need to respect each other, and that doesn't mean that Fire has the approval to destroy everything ahead because its nature is like that... here we talk about essence, not about behavior, okay? Take it easy…

Each of the four elements is neutral, there is no good or bad, because each is what it is. The ego is what gives each a good or bad character, according to its own values ​​and beliefs, since each essence came prepared with the predominant element it needed to carry out the plans of this existence here on Earth.

Not being what I am unbalances my physical body, makes me sick and doesn't allow me to fulfill my life purpose.

Can you imagine that, if well channeled, how productive this transforming force can be on Earth in times of Planetary Transition?

Other cycles in nature ruled by the Fire element are:
Season of the year: summer
Kingdom of Nature: Mineral
bone system
solar plexus chakra

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