Happy Children's Day

That's right, I didn't spell it wrong...

If a child is all about happiness, joy, spontaneity, a smile on the face, dreams, why just one day to celebrate these characteristics and qualities?

The appeal of commerce aside, children shouldn't just have a day of celebration, they should have a life of celebration...

The more each of us carries his child within himself in adult life, the better we tend to relate to each other., to practice emotional intelligence, to use and feel emotions, to live intensely curiosity, initiative, the search for the unknown, dreams, things that the β€œpure” adult will discredit over time.

Children must be frequently encouraged to face the growth and development of life. With some interaction techniques and tools, we can allow children to learn to develop new mental processes in the face of numerous challenges, in addition to helping them themselves find alternatives to all the obstacles they have been facing.

Happy Children's DayThese new learnings can be generated, including with the help of professionals specialized in human behavior, such as Coaches, who will accompany children and adolescents until adulthood and transform them into more decisive people, even in the future with the choice of profession. or personal purpose to be followed.

During the process, the child or adolescent learns to develop more positive thoughts, make plans, manage time and positive projections for the future, teach them to believe in positive stories of success and happiness, all this respecting, of course, the language and the moment in which are living.

Results will come from gained confidence, healthy ambition, overcoming conflicts and problems with effective and fun tools, helping to deal with more common difficult issues such as bullying and social exclusion, improving concentration and thinking skills, and build strong self-esteem and more positive thoughts.

Finally, with small changes in behavior, fun, joy, happiness, the smile on the face and the spontaneity so vivid in children, do not need to be replaced early by the worries and afflictions of living with adults.

Happy Children's Day! Cheers! Let's go!

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