The end with myself!

In fact, suicide represents a big breakup that the person is having with himself. It's one of the ways to end what's bad. It is an immensity of problems and contradictory feelings, which makes many people unable to balance their emotions, and these people end up ending their own lives. That's when the glow or any hope is gone. That's when you realize the inability to reverse the situation. However, we are all highly capable beings of changing everything. It is with time, but sometimes we need to face challenging situations in order to overcome difficulties. This takes increased patience. Life requires enough time for everything to work itself out. So suicide is complete disbelief towards the next moments of life. Sometimes, it's bad at the moment, but the belief in life activates each being to seek to overcome these moments, and makes sure that everything will pass and get better.

Being difficult is different from being finished. So, human beings need to understand that everything happens for the best of each being, and that situations come for us to overcome them, so this means that we are highly capable of changing our own lives. If it's hard, remember it's not over. It is necessary to make considerable changes to overcome these situations and have the great learning. The difficulty comes to help us, because we are not yet perfect beings, that is, we are on the path to improvement, and for that, we will find situations to solve.

The end with myself!
Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Life is the best school in our life. Learning from her is what we need to evolve. Life has this proposal for all of us. Therefore, trust, hope and action are the main virtues we need to overcome situations, which we classify as very difficult.

Everything will be resolved. It's at the right time, so never give up. It only ends what is no longer part of our life and what no longer brings growth to our essence. So, know that, regardless of what happens, everything will work itself out and you have full competences to solve it. Everything that happens in our life is because it comes to all of us with the sole purpose of bringing powerful lessons. Insisting is knowing that even if life isn't very good today, you can make it better tomorrow. Have the strength to face the challenges and never give up on you. Never end the relationship with yourself, committing suicide, because nothing in the world is worth more than living what you have to be. God knows what we are experiencing and He knows everything we need. So, know how to do your part and deliver the other to God. You are always in good company with Him. The Perfect Master knows everything that exists in our lives and hearts. We're going to achieve whatever is in our life's mission, and that's what's best for all of us.

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Never finish with yourself, for God is always with you, so for whatever situations come your way you have the Perfect Master by your side, and there is nothing more powerful and better than being in His presence. Therefore, in everything that happens, God is at work. And He never gives up on all of us, so insist on yourself and you will have a life of victories, because the important thing is to experience the moments very well and overcome the challenges of your evolution. These challenges are in life and you are empowered to win.

Love & Light!
Fraternal hug!

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