
    The pandemic messed with everything on the planet. It influenced new modalities of relationships and made people who were distant to get closer and express feelings of affection and fraternity in thought or via social networks.

    Charity also began to be exercised to a greater extent, as many lost their jobs and began to live on the help of others and solidarity groups. The support and religious entities had to adapt to receive their followers and not fail to provide, in addition to material food, spiritual food, because in those moments when sadness invaded homes due to the loss of loved ones due to illness, melancholy with depression was accentuated.

    We will certainly come out of this situation stronger and with more faith. Each one will be able to evaluate how they have improved, with regard to walking in the direction of the evolution desired by the Father.

    Kissing, hugging and caressing were also put aside, as they became a risk of contagion. Many who did not respect this were the cause of contamination, embittering wrong courses.

    Perhaps one of the most common gestures, which was most affected, was the handshake, a custom that has always been part of everyday life over time. The handshake, which is the most respectful and warm consolidation in existence, was relegated to the background, being replaced by the famous “soquinho” or hand shake.

    Cytonn Photography / Pexels

    A handshake has always said it all, especially when accompanied by a look in the eye and a simple “how are you” expression. He sealed commitments from the most delicate to gestures of thanks.

    Of course, there were handshakes that happened only to comply with protocol or formalities, without there being a healthy, warm energy at that moment. The handshake of some politicians, for example, without looking them in the eye, meant nothing, but the one that is followed by connection and smile was certainly the noblest of feelings.

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    The outstretched hand will always be the most supportive gesture. On this 21st, when the handshake is celebrated, let's remember those people who always comforted us and helped us with a sincere hand, especially the friendly hand of the master, who never stopped being extended to us, to lift us up and give strength to move forward.

    Let's wait a little longer, let's take care of ourselves, let's do our part. We'll be back to shaking hands soon.

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