fairy stories

– The Enchanted Little Girl –

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved nature and all its beauties and charms, she would lie on the ground for hours, patiently watching the clouds, the shapes that appeared and that, with time, fell apart…

Sometimes he would watch the butterflies and their bright yellow wings, he liked the quiet, because that way he could feel the Heavenly Father.

His favorite color was green, the color of his eyes and also of the woods. The sound of the water was music to her ears, it soothed her heart. She loved the rain and the smell of wet earth.

It seemed that only the little girl noticed how much greener and brighter the plants were when the rain went away, and the sun came out like the star king.

fairy stories
Alora Griffiths/ Unsplash

Despite being a child, the little one never refused any food offered to her, and, if it was natural, she ate with gusto. But she always wanted to know what each food was important for.

The little girl liked that magic that nature brought, she just didn't understand why she liked it so much.

When the little girl grew up, Heavenly Father, who had always watched over her, believed that he could entrust her with a great mission. So, he called her guardian angel and guided him to take her to a great university, where she could learn within science what was the formula created by Him for each food found here on planet Earth.

And so it happened.

fairy stories
Markus Spiske / Unsplash

The girl graduated as a nutritionist, studied food in laboratories for 4 years, and likewise, the greatest invention of all – the human body.

No human has been able to create anything more extraordinary than their own body.

After that time, in which the girl learned many fascinating things about food, she went to practice such teachings, but she still wouldn't be in the place thought by Father in Heaven. Before, she would have to go through the valley of pain, the place where people stay when they lose their health.

fairy stories

The nutritionist girl felt very sad every time she heard stories from people that didn't have a happy ending. And she thought, “Oh my God, how can I help these people? ”.

One day, through a dream, Heavenly Father began to explain to the girl how she would be able to help people not get so sick anymore. And for that, He would give her some magical powers. And one of those powers would be the ability to speak – in a way that all children could understand and learn – why eating the foods that Heavenly Father created is so important.

fairy stories

But this time it would be in a place full of joy, laughter, games, friends, a special place where children learn many cool things. The name of this place is School.

And so, Fairy Lilly was born, a fairy of nature (that's why the little girl always liked nature so much, she had a fairy essence).

Fairy Lilly has studied and learned many things about these Heavenly Father's enchanted foods and how their magical components do amazing things with children.

And off she went, feeling a great happiness overflowing in her heart. Explaining all this magic to children was easy and enjoyable. As they listened to their stories, the children's eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky. Their favorite was to know that there is a magic that works only with them: the name of this magic is growth.

fairy stories
Przemek Klos / Reshot

At the end of the tale, the fairy sprinkled magic dust over the children's heads. That's when everything changes, the children discover through their little tongues how the flavor of these foods that Father from Heaven creates can be delicious and special.

And there's more: without the child having to worry, while sleeping, fabulous hardworking soldiers that live inside the human body make the magic of growth happen, each child just needs to give each little soldier the right food. For example, the bone soldier is very fond of eating calcium. We can find calcium in cabbage, milk or sardines and many other foods.

Didn't you know there are little soldiers working inside you to keep you alive? And where did you think everything you eat went? This is the work of the fairy Lilly: to explain to children these magical things about Father in Heaven.

fairy stories

He was very worried up there, and he wanted to know why the children were forgetting to eat the colorful magic foods. Yes… each color has its magic. Heavenly Father likes colors, that's why he made birds, butterflies and flowers so colorful. But in food he wanted to go even more: in addition to the colors, he added vitamins for hair growth, nails, muscles, and also intelligence...

And so, many, many children from all corners of the planet are getting to know these beautiful and nourishing stories, because many other fairies are being summoned by Heavenly Father and, together with their angels, they are doing a beautiful job.

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The fairy Lilly received a letter from Heavenly Father thanking her for this wonderful work that the Fairy Academy has been doing, for transforming and filling children's lives with colors, flavors, loves and health.

So, the little fairy didn't feel sad anymore, because when she went back to visit that place with the white walls, she didn't find people sick anymore because of the foods that are bad for the little soldiers of the children's bodies.

One day, Fairy Lilly fell asleep and woke up like a 5-year-old girl, walking again in the magical forest that produces all of Sky Daddy's food, and from there she sent those foods to the children. Then she smiled as she looked up to the sky and saw that God was smiling on her too!

Fada Lilly.

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