Guide to Happiness, According to Dalai Lama

    Dalai Lama is an experienced religious leader and has much to teach us with his great wisdom. In his guide to happiness, he draws on Buddhism to explain how to achieve the maximum degree of satisfaction and joy, but this is not an article that talks specifically about religion.

    With his practicality and perception of life, he believes that it is possible to find happiness through the development of our body and balance of mind. What directly implies in our personal evolution.

    The meaning of this word that everyone goes in search of all the time and in every way, according to the Dalai Lama, is a sense of greater satisfaction and we do not necessarily need to have a pleasant experience for this to happen, but other types of neutralizations that can happen. satisfy us in the same way, like the peace of mind that comes from human warmth and reduces all the negative energies and distrust that our mind creates.

    He also emphasizes that what we think makes us prisoners of ourselves, so the important thing is not to label yourself and differentiate yourself from other people in a way that doesn't belittle someone. Remember: human beings are all the same mentally, intellectually and emotionally. Feelings are everywhere and in all people, however, some can be more touched in some aspects, this is what differentiates the character, the way of speaking and acting of each one.

    Our attitudes reflect in our way of living. For example, if you harm someone, you will certainly suffer the negative consequences of what you have done. If you do the opposite and bring happiness to people, you can be sure that you will receive hundreds of benefits for it. Life itself has the function of making our judgment. Think about it!

    Another way to get to happiness is establish your inner strength more and more. Your confidence and determination in the purpose of living makes you feel happier, at ease and proud of yourself. When we are well with ourselves, the chances of waking up and sleeping with smiles increase significantly.

    It is essential that we understand the importance of these values โ€‹โ€‹in life. During youth, we tend to think about it more. When we reach a certain age of decision-making and choices, other matters become priority and the sharpest values โ€‹โ€‹are the materials.

    Regardless of your choice of religion or even if you don't have one and don't have any beliefs, seeking happiness above anything makes the human being lighter, makes him a better person and with more pleasure to live.

    Let's get to know ten Dalai Lama secrets that we can use as tips, becoming better human beings and also lavishing more joy wherever we go. In this way, we will always be surrounded by people who like us and insist on our presence.

    Guide to Happiness, According to Dalai Lama

    • manage your habits

    Knowing how to lead the way we act and live is essential to achieve happiness. It's simple: we cultivate good habits and eliminate bad ones. We just need to put on a scale what may not do as well as we hope and separate what adds value from what is destructive.

    It is important not to settle for what only harms. Thus, we will not be accomplices of unhappiness. Motivate yourself to create new methods that make you happier and that give you more pleasure. Challenge yourself, experiment and create your own goals. An organized life is the first step to maintain balance and sharpen good feelings of happiness.

    • work your mind

    We all have great mental and inner potential that makes us able to exercise certain choices, feel emotions and free ourselves. Training the mind is the most practical method of acquiring personal knowledge, an action that no one can ever take away from you.

    With the evolution of our personal knowledge, whether through a reading, a meditation, or another activity that can make you work your interior, we can also evolve in other aspects, for example, to develop a good heart, serene, peaceful and welcoming.

    • Dig deeper into your perspectives

    The fact that we align long-term goals, necessarily, leads us to live day after day in order to achieve what we want. When we have a purpose in life, our determination and self-confidence increase. This leads us to believe in ourselves more.

    • Know the suffering and walk away

    Knowing the meaning of suffering and knowing how to identify in which situations it can harm us is essential to seek complete happiness. Learning from what makes us suffer is important, however, knowing how to trace new paths so that it doesn't happen again is even better.

    • calm your thoughts

    Making the mind more peaceful and calm generates an inner stability that is crucial for finding happiness. Jumbled and confused thoughts can cause irritation and doubts. For this reason, it is of immense importance and personal responsibility to discipline our mind.

    When our thoughts are calm, it doesn't mean that we necessarily accept everything they say and are passive. It's being sensitive, knowing how to listen and feed only what can do you good and bring calm and peace.

    Guide to Happiness, According to Dalai Lama

    • Delve into relationships

    We must abuse communication in certain situations, especially in romantic relationships, in this way, without a doubt, we can conquer the partner with more respect, truth and trust. The basis for success in love cannot be linked only to physical attraction.

    Indulging in a romance can bring a lot of happiness. Forget everything that is superficial and go deeper into this relationship. Exchange ideas, pleasures, tips, sensations, emotions and most importantly, true love. Do not be afraid! This feeling can keep us from a lot of things we planned. trust. Trust is able to drive away any fear.

    • adapt to changes

    Change is needed. We don't always face it in the best possible way and we are resistant to these situations. Learning that the world changes all the time and accepting the need for it to happen is also a secret to happiness.

    We cannot get stuck and limited in thinking to prevent changes from unfolding. Choose the best direction and let it happen. Don't try to change a destination or a path. That's not the best option. Find the benefits within everything that needs to be changed and face it positively.

    • + Positivity and โ€“ negativity

    Get rid of everything that can bring frustration and hurt you. Get close to good fluids and thoughts. Let the feelings of joy, love and enthusiasm be part of your life and thus overcome the feelings of anger or hate that we may feel.

    We need to have the wisdom of forgiveness and the awareness that negative feelings do not bring happiness to our lives. Reflects!

    • develop compassion

    According to the Dalai Lama, when we develop a sense of compassion, we enter a state of mind away from violence and aggression. It is associated with the respect we have for others. Do not confuse compassion with the feeling of pity and pity. These should not be present in our emotions.

    To bring out compassion, let's decide to no longer suffer with ourselves and then apply and cultivate the method in others. Abuse perception, understanding and serenity.

    • Release โ€œthe clear light mindโ€

    The term is also known as Buddha nature. It means that no negative thoughts can arise. It explains the importance of calming and illuminating all concepts and thoughts to achieve total serenity of mind and happiness.

    Believe in yourself and that you have all the ability to become a new person. Someone better, with more responsibilities, spiritual balance and power to reach any and all feelings of joy.

    In his guide to happiness, the Dalai Lama makes it clear that anyone can be happy, just try and make it happen. Determine and never give up. Happiness is available to reach an entire atmosphere, however, we have to help ourselves too, and if necessary change some attitudes in our lives.

    Text written by Natalia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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