Ho'oponopono for feelings of rejection

    Hi! Today we are going to do Ho'oponopono to cleanse our memories of rejection, to purify our whole being and free our wounded inner child from all the suffering and pain caused by some moment of rejection in the past, but which to this day has echoed in the gift. You are a son of God, you are a daughter of God, loved and loved by God. You were born to be free and express all your greatness and enjoy all peace, harmony, joy, love, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and the wonderful gift of living life. That's why you came here. God loves you! He said that he came that all might have life and have it more abundantly. Anything contrary to this is a lie to harm us.

    Pray this prayer for a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 90. Don't break the cycle! Don't sabotage yourself! Move forward towards your victory! Do it, trust and let go! God wants you to be free and happy! And to live feeling rejected is to live sad, lonely and trapped!

    Let's start!

    Put your hand on your heart! Breathe deeply and imagine that you inspire peace! Then exhale and imagine that the feeling of rejection is coming out through your exhalation! Do this 3 times. Focus and do it!

    At this moment, return to your mind the fact that arouses the feeling of rejection! If you happen to appear during the practice more than one fact in your memories, don't worry: it's your memories that are emerging, so you can clean them! Give thanks! And proceed with your cleaning serenely!

    “God, cleanse all memories of rejection from me!

    God, cleanse all memories of rejection from me!

    God, cleanse all memories of rejection from me!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!"

    Now imagine the person you feel you've been rejected by. At this moment, look at her (say her name!) and say: I clean in myself all the memories of pain that connect me to you!

    "I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I clean in myself all the memories of pain that connect me to you!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I clean in myself all the memories of pain that connect me to you!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I forgive you for not being as I would like you to be with me!

    I forgive you for not being as I would like!

    I forgive you! I forgive you! I forgive you!

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!

    I clean in myself everything that can attract people, places and situations of rejection.

    I'm very sorry! Forgive me! I love you! I am grateful!"

    Ho'oponopono for feelings of rejection
     Giulia Bertelli / Unsplash

    Imagine, at this moment, you very small! Stand in front of this little child, get down and stand at his level. Look into her eyes! And forgive yourself for all the times you made a mistake and condemned yourself, blamed yourself and allowed yourself to sabotage yourself seeking to be perfect, seeking to please the other to be loved and valued.

    Forgive yourself for all the times you sought approval, protection, affection, love and care in the other and for all the times you got hurt when you didn't find it! Forgive yourself for all the times you tried to please to feel loved! Forgive yourself when you weren't able to love, value and recognize the greatness that is your being.

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    Tell her, “I forgive you! I forgive you! I forgive you!

    I recognize and accept, at this moment, the divine being that I am, so I take possession of my right, by Divine inheritance, to have healthy relationships both for myself and for the other with whom I relate!

    I love myself! thank me!

    I love myself! thank me!

    I love myself! thank me!

    I am a Divine being, so I receive the grace of the greatest love!

    I am a Divine being, so I receive the grace of the greatest love!

    I am a Divine being, so I receive the grace of the greatest love.

    So it is done”.

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