Gratitude 2018 – Wanting is Power!

    We've reached our last chat of 2018! And what year was that, people?! Our team has worked tirelessly to evolve this beautiful project that we love to be a part of. And performing that basic and inevitable balance, I see how much we strengthen and unite each day as a team. And the reflection couldn't be another, an even greater connection with you who accompanies us, after all, you are our greatest motivator, and on this journey we are all following hand in hand.

    And I'm sure you must be thinking like me: β€œWow, how fast it went! This year has flown!” This has increasingly been the impression we have of days, months, and years. But I would like to propose a reflection on this subject, because, think with me, an hour in 2018 continues to have 60 minutes as in 1850, for example. Just as a day has 24 hours and a year has 365 days. But then why the hell is this sensation so latent within us?

    Gratitude 2018 – Wanting is Power!

    Today we have access to a lot of information simultaneously and quickly. It's email, social media, WhatsApp, we're connected all the time and living insanely all at the same time. Result? We get that feeling of exhaustion, that we've done a lot, but we haven't done anything!

    So, taking advantage of this whole scenario of renewal, after the VocΓͺ Sem Fronteiras Challenge, and all the teachings we shared, I invite you to really connect with your life. Try to be 100% present in every task you perform throughout your day, from the moment you open your eyes, while you brush your teeth, you have breakfast until you go to bed. And watch, you will have the sensation of slowing down time, of actually living whole!

    But for all this to happen, we need to feel strong and believe in the potential of creators of our reality. For this I share with you a beautiful, strong text that found me almost 2 months ago, and that touches me deeply when I connect to it. Read as many times as you think necessary, until you really believe it and you will see how good it will do you!


    Gratitude 2018 – Wanting is Power!

    β€œI can, I'm strong and happy! 
    My health is perfect. 
    I will solve my problems as best I can. 
    Wanting is power and I want it! 
    From now on I will know no failures or defeats. 
    I will know success in all activities that I develop. 
    I will overcome the negative phases, because I am STRONG, COURAGEOUS and I WANT! 
    I myself will create the opportunities, because I own my destiny! 
    It's the Law of Cause and Effect! 
    I will plant good ideas to reap great results. 
    I will remove mountains if need be. 
    My FAITH is big! 
    Trust is even greater and so it will be!” – (Charity Association of Caritas).

    That in 2019 and throughout the rest of our existence we can be awake to connect more and more with our true essence!

    Thank you for your presence and stay with us!


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