10 tips for hobbies to relax and get to know yourself

Amid the rush and demands of professional life and other life responsibilities, having free time is often rare. And worse than that is having free time and simply not knowing what to do with it… That's why it's important that we have hobbies and activities that excite us in our personal lives.

When we boil down our lives to obligations and responsibilities, stress, anxiety and demands take over. That's why it's essential to find activities that resonate with your passion, excite you, and — most importantly — help you relax and unwind in your spare time.

If you are looking for a hobby to rest, relax and delve into something, we have prepared this list with suggestions of 10 hobbies that you can start practicing right now to take care of yourself! Check out:

1. Sport

When was the last time you tested your body's limits and pushed it towards a goal you set? Starting to practice a new sport is very good because it puts us in direct contact with our body, with its limits, the pleasures and pains of each of its parts.

You can start practicing just to play and have fun, especially if it's a team sport like football, volleyball, handball, basketball, etc. Or you can start practicing seriously, with goals, overcoming goals and everything in between. It all depends on how much you like the sport!

10 tips for hobbies to relax and get to know yourself
Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images / Canva

2. Gastronomy

Making food every day can be a very boring and exhausting thing that takes anyone away from the kitchen, right? That's why getting involved with gastronomy can be a great opportunity to redefine your relationship with pans, knives and ingredients.

Gastronomy, when done in free time, to relax, is a very pleasant activity, because it involves touch, taste, smell and can be quite immersive, making us disconnect from the world to focus on every minute detail of the recipe for that everything works out.

3. Reading

Have you ever talked to readers? Not people who read a book or two a year, but those who devour book after book. If you can, talk to someone like that. By talking to this person, you will understand how much passion a hobby like this can spark in someone.

The person who is passionate about reading, in addition to relaxing and resting in the pages of a book, enriches their vocabulary, gets to know new cultures and life stories, in addition to exercising their empathy and their ability to dialogue with others. Create reading lists, join book clubs… This is a world of its own!

10 tips for hobbies to relax and get to know yourself
Rahul Shah / Pexels / Canva

4. Painting

Maybe you think you don't have the slightest aptitude for painting or drawing, maybe you've never tried it or maybe you could even do it, but this habit has been abandoned... No matter what your case is, painting can be a great opportunity to relax and develop.

In addition to promoting relaxation and making your focus very attentive to what is being painted, you still have the opportunity to express what you think and feel through art. In addition to painting, you can start to appreciate visual arts, visit museums and exhibitions, and so on.

5. Musical instruments

A lot of people get discouraged when starting to play a musical instrument because many of them require some time for you to start seeing (or rather, hearing) results. When done in your spare time, however, with no rush or crazy goals, it can be a completely immersive and relaxing practice.

If you don't like the idea because you can't imagine playing guitar, guitar, bass, keyboard… How about taking a chance on a different and unique instrument? Imagine learning to play the harp, bagpipes, trombone and so many others that will make you feel unique and special!

6. Choose a course

Don't want to get involved with musical instruments or painting, sports aren't for you, let alone gastronomy? No problems! Why don't you open the website of some institution that offers courses and simply decide to take a risk on something you never thought you would do?

Who knows, maybe a ceramist, a masseur, a photographer, a speaker, a writer are born there… In short, the options are endless, in the same proportion as the course offerings — and today, with the internet, you can experiment All this from the comfort of your home!

7. New language

Learning a new language can be a stressful experience for many people, especially if this learning is done more out of necessity and obligation than will. But it can be a very enriching and relaxing activity for many, and you will know if this is not the case for you!

If the idea of ​​learning more common languages, such as English, Spanish, French and Italian, doesn't appeal to you, how about “kicking the bucket” and starting some Romanian, Norwegian or Arabic lessons? Sometimes doing something simply because you want to, not because you have to, is quite liberating!

10 tips for hobbies to relax and get to know yourself
Christina Morillo / Pexels / Canva

8. Fishing

This is a classic hobby for anyone who needs to relax! Sitting with your fishing rod in front of a pond and patiently waiting for the fish to manifest may sound tedious to many people, but it can be very relaxing and anxiety-relieving for others.

If what you need is a hobby that doesn't require a rush and allows you to relax and exchange conversations with a friend or family member at the same time, fishing may be the hobby that was missing from your routine. Then take the first steps in this activity!

9. Yoga

Yoga is a great way to relax and get to know more about yourself and your own body. As it involves meditation and breathing control techniques, you will certainly come out of a yoga practice more relaxed. Also, the physical demands of the poses will help improve your flexibility, for example.

Yoga is the perfect hobby for anyone looking for a pastime that combines relaxation of body and mind. And for those who really get excited, it is possible to advance from the simple beginner level and start exploring more complex poses that will require more focus, dedication and concentration from the practitioner.

10 tips for hobbies to relax and get to know yourself
Nathan Cowley / Pexels / Canva

10. Collection

How about starting a collection? It doesn't matter what this collection is about; as long as it makes sense to you, it can be a great way to spend your free time, set goals, research, and really invest a lot of your life to build something and understand about it.

Whether you decide to collect stamps, cars, vinyl records, books, travel souvenirs or anything else, the important thing is how relaxing and engaging this activity will be for you. Just remember not to spend more money than you can to take care of your collection and end up getting in trouble…

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Finding a new hobby can be quite challenging, but it is extremely necessary so that we can rest and take care of our personal life in our spare time. So find a hobby that makes sense to you and get involved!

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