goodbye to our parents

    Yes, this is a difficult topic. It's not easy to talk about the death of our parents, especially before the death of the father and/or mother actually happens. However, it is necessary to be prepared for that moment, because the death of the father or mother is an event that begins long before the life of one of them here on Earth ends.

    Over time, as FabrĂ­cio Carpinejar says, we become parents to our own fatherif this is an important moment in the life of each one of us.

    It is the moment when we decide if we are going to say goodbye to our parents little by little, day after day, enjoying every moment by their side while they are still by our side, or if we are going to abandon those who raised us to cry over their coffins, sorry for not to have enjoyed their company more while they were among us.

    It's not easy to admit that the one who created us and gave us love before anyone else in the world is leaving us, but that doesn't have to be taken in a negative light either. Every soul needs rest. Every body needs to stop at some point. After all, the only certainty we have in life is that we will die, right?

    So let life take its course. Let's conform to the cycle of life, because that's it: it's a cycle, there's no starting or finishing line, it's cyclic, infinite – yes, it's endless!

    When a father dies, he doesn't die completely because he left a part of him here: his son, who will leave a part of him and his father in his son and so on. Soon, we never completely die.

    When a parent dies, it means their bodies need to rest. But we must not abandon that being before that happens. As a demonstration of love and affection, we should take care of them as they took care of us: with great affection. We must help them with the simplest everyday tasks with patience, just as they taught us to eat, bathe and walk, for example.

    goodbye to our parents

    It is your duty as a child to take care of your parents when they are old. However, much more than that, taking care of elderly parents should be, above all, an opportunity to create new memories with these beings so important to us, beings who are going to eternal rest and who deserve to rest!

    It is selfish to want them to stay here in the physical world forever, do not you think? They work so hard and dedicate themselves so much, so they deserve to rest, just as, one day, their children – who will probably have already become parents – will also deserve it.

    And when we understand that, we become parents to our parents, even while they are still alive. “Why?”, you might be asking yourself. It's simple. There comes a certain stage in life when you start to lose skills and abilities, and then the children, who are at their peak of strength and expertise, start helping, teaching and remembering everything that was forgotten by the old people.

    When you are the father of your own father, you begin to understand that he is already taking the opposite path: while a baby who comes into the world knowing very little needs to learn and develop, the elderly begin to forget everything they already knew. That is, while babies are growing, the elderly are getting close to saying goodbye to earthly life.

    And then, We need to say goodbye to our parents. Easy? Is not. But maybe the process becomes easier if we do it day after day, showing our gratitude for those who created us, showing our love for those who gave us life and the opportunity to be here, showing affection for those who always showed affection for us, regardless of anything.

    When the time to say goodbye really comes, it won't be easy anyway, but at least you'll be aware that you did everything you could to show your love for your parents, and you'll be filled with the peace of mind of knowing you've enjoyed them all. the moments with them – including the moments of difficulty and old age.

    Although it is difficult, try to see this goodbye as a relief. Not for you, but for your father or mother. Whatever your belief, think that they are better now, calmer and at peace. Think that one day, who knows, you will be together again.

    Don't martyr yourself. Don't go crazy. Don't let sadness take over you. Nobody puts a child in the world to die of sadness. Wherever you are, your parents want to be proud of you. Above all, they want to make sure that you are and are happy.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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