God writes right by straight lines

    That would be the perfect phrase, because there are no mistakes, our view is crooked, that's all. We continue to see the world through a veil, with our vision totally limited by the few resources of understanding we have and, still, we want to blame God for our vicissitudes, it's a lot of presumption!

    It's the same as saying: "The Supreme Intelligence of the Universe is stupid!". Have you ever stopped to think about the size of this incongruity?

    The simple fact that we do not understand the whole, that we are only involved with a part of the problem, does not mean that there were flaws in the Divine System.

    If we want to judge an event with the least coherence, the least we can do is think in a systemic way. As long as our perspective is self-centered, there will be no solution to this problem. As long as we don't understand that a higher instance in our own being is in charge of things, cleaning up our mess and cleaning up our mess, we will continue to suffer.

    God writes right by straight linesNo man is an isolated island, as John Donne said. Every problem starts from our identification with the character, that's all. As long as we are not affected by external information, we will not have the slightest interest in creating identification with the plot of our existence in this reality of body and mind, including our own character.

    The ego survives because we don't learn to be indifferent to it, we don't learn to deny it and we insist on meeting it in all its demands and, with that, we move away from our reality. As long as we don't diminish his importance, as long as we don't reduce his significance, he will continue on the throne, dictating rules, fighting and discriminating everything. The ego loves to judge.

    Papaji used to say that to be free it doesn't take any effort, just to stay in prison, and it's the purest truth. The prosaic life of the human being is an unfolding of constant and absolutely unnecessary obstacles and challenges.

    In fact, the real self is not the singer, but the composer, and he is in another instance; it is what we call Consciousness.

    Some call it God, others Brahman, and so on. Okay, the name doesn't matter, it's actually this composer who writes right by right lines.

    The ego's view is crooked.

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