An account of the power of loving yourself

    An account of the power of loving yourself
    Sara went to the pharmacy thinking about the wise words of the lord of her dream. Upon arriving at the pharmacy, she asked about some headache medicine and at that moment realized that her head no longer hurt. She bought it anyway. Sara was feeling better. When she left the pharmacy, it had stopped raining. Sara had realized there was nothing to worry about, so she went back and bought some sunscreen, the sun had come out, and she needed to take care of herself, she owed it to herself.

    When she got in the car, she put on some music she hadn't heard in a long time and when she got home she prepared a delicious lunch for herself, then read a good book, slept on the sofa in the living room and woke up excited. That night she called her boyfriend, arranged to go out, put on her best dress, put on makeup, and later discovered that the suspicious message was actually not suspicious at all. She decided to relax, because now she had realized that she was too important to suffer needlessly and that loving herself made everything around her happier. The truth is, no one is willing to love you if you don't first do it for yourself... And thought is energy, energy generates action, and action is what makes your life move towards happiness.

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