God lives in the details

In Aladdin's story, we have a character who finds a magic lamp and, as a benefit, can make three requests that will be fulfilled by the Genie who is imprisoned in the object. Instead of making three wishes for himself, Aladdin chooses to make only two, and the third asks him to free the Genie from the lamp, setting him free.

In the same way that Genius was limited to the object, we also limited God to our beliefs, as if we were only going to find Him in churches, in wills and in cries for help. When we let go of those limitations and set Him free, we see Him everywhere, behind everything, whether good or bad, simple or complex. God wants you to allow Him to be in everything, including your routine.

We are living in an exceptional moment, and many have lost their identity. Our lives once summarized by our social roles vanish, and what's left? Automated by a routine full of tasks, mentally imprisoned by so many commitments and obligations governed by status and success, today, we are fated to look at the details, and that's where the broken relationship with the Divine lives.

God lives in the details
Photo by Markus Spiske no Pexels

β€œTo survive the harshness of the world, it is necessary to sprinkle the soul with beauty and sensitivity. You need to surround yourself with people who are good for you. Listening to good music, reading good books, weakening the stimuli to superficiality, making peace with silence and stillness. God lives in the positive routine. It is through her that He heals and protects us. Whoever does not do this favor will regrettably be a dead soul in a living body.” Foot. FΓ‘bio de Melo

For Carl G. Jung, founder of analytical psychology, God is in all manifestations, and if we receive the breath, we have to give meaning to the life offered as a way to gratify the Sacred. We were not created to be miserable and beggars, but to be His manifestations in us. As beings, we need symbolic life, and it starts with the little things, with details that are intoxicating with the naked eye. Everyday beauty is in the way we behave, in the respect for the objects that surround us, and in organizing our day by being present, body and soul in all our actions. This is living and giving meaning to the life we ​​have been given. This reinforces to us our own identities. Without symbolic understanding, we are machines and rationalized animals with empty purpose.

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β€œβ€¦no wonder people get neurotic. Life is too rational, there is no symbolic existence in which I am something else, in which I play a role, my role, as an actor in the divine drama of life [...] of this whirlwind, of this frightening, dull and banal life where they are 'nothing but what they are'.” Carl G. Jung

Just as we treat β€œbig events” with care and mindfulness, we should treat simple breathing in the same way. As if every day was a class, and if nothing had been learned at the end, we would have many lost teachings. We do things as simple obligations, but there is a God beckoning and asking us to pay attention to Him and all that is in Him.

God lives in the details
Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Communion with God is not that when you wake up to ask for blessings, and when you sleep to redeem yourself from sins. Communion is at all times, and the more we understand it, the more we will see His action in us. We will understand that He is the blue of the sky, but He is also the gray of the fog. He is the ascension, but also the stumbling block. Everything becomes clear when we understand that God is not inside the magic lamp, or rather, in the sky watching us from afar, or in the church waiting for our visit. God is here, there and there. And we worship Him not just by calling out His name, but by living up to the life that has been given.

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