Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead

With the end of the year, preparations for the holidays begin to take shape. And, thinking about the New Year, many people start to set goals that they intend to accomplish in the coming year. They can involve romantic relationships, professional careers, changes in appearance or lifestyle, and must be completed over the course of 12 months in most cases.

However, what happens is that we can end up setting goals that are not compatible with our reality, or that will be impossible to achieve within a year. And so, when we fail to mark an β€œok” next to something that we set out to achieve, we feel that we have failed and that nothing will work out. Is it like that?

Maybe the problem is not with you, but with the goals you have set. You are not a failure, but you may have set goals that need more time to accomplish, or that you depend on other people to accomplish.

The best way for you not to feel all this frustration, therefore, is to set real goals, which can be accomplished in a year, or increase the time to accomplish them. That way, you won't run around and do everything just in case. Then get inspired to set your goals for 2021!

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead

Before knowing what are the most common goals for 2021, you must understand what characterizes a good goal or a real goal. First of all, it must be objective, and be very well explained in your mind. In addition, it needs to present some processes that will be necessary for it to be fulfilled, as in a system. Then you will set a deadline for it to be carried out, which can be a year or not!

Having defined these three main points, over the next year you should review your progress, assess what still needs to change, and make changes if necessary. Always have an ace up your sleeve, or a plan B in case your goals aren't working as you imagined they would. By following these steps, you are likely to set a realistic goal!

Common goals for 2021

1) Start a new job

The job we currently occupy is not always the one that brings the most benefits to us. So, many people plan to change that in 2021. Looking for a company or creating a business, they want a safer or more fulfilling professional future.

2) Free yourself from addictions

The main addiction that appears in the New Year's goals is cigarettes. Quitting smoking is many people's plan, and they can achieve it with medical supervision and a lot of determination. It may even take longer than a year, but eventually, they'll make it!

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead
Horst Koenemund / Pixabay

3) Save money

Saving money is an almost everyday necessity, isn't it? That's why this attitude appears in the common goals for 2021. Saving money to buy a house, to buy a car or even to make a change in life takes planning, but it is possible!

4) Dedicate yourself to studies

People who will be entering university entrance exams in 2021 know the importance of dedicating more time to their studies and following a rigorous reading schedule. It is essential, however, that they still dedicate time to leisure, so that they do not compromise their own mental health.

5) Adapt to beauty standards

Many would say that the goal of "losing weight" is the most common for 2021, but the truth is that this would mainly be a process to adapt to beauty standards. Do you really need to lose weight or do you just need to learn to love who you are, beyond the impositions of society?

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead
TheDigitalWay / Pixabay

6) Travel more

Who doesn't like to take a nice trip to get away from it all for a while? The goal of traveling more is one of the most common goals for 2021, and that depends on a few factors. The main thing for them is the end of the pandemic, but when it passes, we can expect many trips to Spain and the world!

7) Learn something new

Learning something new, be it a language, a skill, or something totally new, takes planning and commitment. If this is your goal for 2021, find all the necessary means for it and throw yourself headlong into this goal that will only bring you benefits!

8) Develop altruism

Helping other people is something we should all do. After a year as difficult as 2020 was, many people wish that in 2021 they can do good to more people, helping them as much as possible. It's a great goal to add to your list!

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead
Leo2014 / Pixabay

9) Stop wearing masks

Is there anyone who has liked to wear masks because of the new coronavirus pandemic? We can say that one of the goals of most people for 2021 will be to stop wearing masks, to breathe again without worry and to find loved ones, after so long.

10) Take a vaccine against Covid-19

As research indicates that the vaccine for Covid-19 will come out in 2021, and that this measure will protect us from this virus that can be lethal, the whole world's goal is to immunize itself! Thus, any other plan can be carried out safely and with peace of mind.

Goals for professional life

Possible goals for working life may include: starting a business, changing careers, starting a career, choosing a new job, quitting. There are a number of possibilities that involve work, which is essential for obtaining money and living conditions.

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead
Free-Photos / Pixabay

If you feel unhappy at your job and would like a new opportunity, start 2021 by looking for places that are hiring new employees. Don't be afraid to do an interview and take a risk. If you want to open a business, take this moment to plan how you would do it. Organize everything you would need, define what is missing to achieve your dream and go after it!

If you are unable to reach the goal you set, for whatever reason, be aware that you will have many more years of life to do so. Nothing is permanent when it comes to employment! You can always reinvent yourself, renew yourself and find a new path for your life that is in line with what makes you truly happy. Don't cover so much!

goals for the couple

If you are in a relationship and want to change something about it, there are some goals you can set: talk more, show more affection, spend more time together, create plans for the future, overcome past problems, start therapy. Couple.

What will define your goals for the couple in 2021 is how far the relationship is going. Do an analysis and see what could be improved, how you can be more united and happier and talk to the other person about it. Show your desire to change some point in the relationship.

Goals for 2021: how to create real and achievable goals for the year ahead
Free-Photos / Pixabay

In that case, your goals will always depend on someone else. So, it is essential that she is part of your wish list, to understand what you can improve together. If that other person is adamant, you might want to rethink your relationship.

Know that you are not stuck with someone else forever. Even a marriage can come to an end. If you don't feel happy anymore, stay honest about your feelings and make a real change in your life, always thinking about your well-being.

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Setting goals for 2021 can be a challenge. Hopelessness and sadness have taken over 2020, which is why we need to renew ourselves for this new era. Don't leave your dreams behind. Choose longer deadlines, better define what you want and get organized. Your goals can still be accomplished!

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