Yoga with Stories: crowdfunding project will bring children closer to Yoga

    Crowdfunding has gained a lot of visibility over the years. There are platforms in España where you can put ideas and projects into practice and finance them. We can say that crowdfunding is like a 'virtual crowdfunding' where people help with a value to finance the idea.

    And another subject that is also growing in the country is Yoga. Today it is possible to see the practice of Yoga in the squares, the increase in yoga studios and everything seen in a positive light. The benefits of Yoga reflect on the physical, but they are also mental. And if you think that this practice is only for adults, children can practice it too.

    Here on the site we have already written about the benefits of practicing Yoga in childhood. Just click here. And because it deals with these two issues, a crowdfunding campaign called “Yoga with Stories”.

    Crowdfunding campaign

    Yoga with children seeks to encourage the practice of Yoga for children, enabling a healthier child development. But to give more visibility and show the benefits that the practice makes possible is that this crowdfunding campaign is seeking help to make a dream come true: a children's program on TV Rá Tim Bum. Isn't it really all good?

    We're going to tell a little about their story. As stated on the website of the platform where the project is located, the couple João Soares and Rosa Muniz – he, a storyteller, and she, a pedagogue – take to the little ones, through the magic of stories, games and children's imagination, the numerous benefits that the practice provides. They've been doing this for 22 years.

    Yoga with Stories: crowdfunding project will bring children closer to Yoga

    To give you an idea, there are already more than 40 characters created, 14 children's books edited and 6 more that will be released next year, 2 DVDs and 2 CDs that present Yoga in a playful and fun way.. And that's the coolest thing of all.

    What will this TV show look like? According to information, the 1st series of the Yoga with Stories on TV will feature 13 episodes, which will air on TV Ra Tim Bum from March 2017 and will be shown for two years in España, Japan, Portugal and other countries that speak our language.


    Are you interested and want to support this project? Access the Catarse website and support with different amounts and still earn rewards. There are only a few weeks left for the project to be completed. Help too!

    And relating to the topic, we already have other children's books about yoga and meditation here on the site that you can read to your child. Go here and get more tips. How about starting from a young age to include your child in this wonderful universe of Yoga?

    Written by Angélica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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