Ghost house, ghost mind

    I've been postponing for a few days to write this text. I don't know why, but something was holding me back. Upon reflection, I discovered once again that The biggest impediment to doing something is always ourselves. And so I open this text.

    A few weeks ago I was at home with my dog, Denise was gone. Alone, me in the living room and Tutti in the bedroom. When, by surprise, she burst into the room barking. The living room light flickered twice but stayed on. She barked some more and stopped. What to do? Run? Call Father Karras? Leave home? Why to sell?!

    Ghost house, ghost mind

    Being strong with our most sensitive part and delicate with the most aggressive part, exploring every inch of our physical body and its spiritual extension. To recognize that within us there is the potential of the world, to know that we are the masterpiece of nature, that there are forces that shoot the energy of life everywhere, and that we must master these energies and channel them, so that they can serve us and not the other way around. Let's not be hostages to our desires. Nobody can do this for us, it is a journey that we start alone, but we end up accompanied, accompanied by ourselves. This process allows us to develop intimacy and self-love. Thus, we develop inner life and every cell in your body, from that moment on, knows why it is playing its role. you learn that love and sadness have the same importance (said brilliantly in the Inside Out animation), you discover that everything has a reason to exist and nothing is by chance, everything has a purpose.

    Ghost house, ghost mind

    But you must be curious to know what the hell happened in my house for these two phenomena to have occurred? Simple, I have two switches to turn on the same light bulb and sometimes they are poorly tightened and every now and then the light flickers. Tutti barks randomly since always, she's crazy. Or maybe you see things I can't see. It might be!? But the fact is that I know my house, I know the noises in my house and the way it works. I also know my dog ​​very well and, with access to this information, I feel very comfortable in solving the mystery. But what if I didn't know that? How would I feel? How would you deal with the unknown? We usually act irrationally and fatally make mistakes. Seek to know yourself, seek the reasons for your behavior, seek yourself. A wise man once said:

    "Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and the gods."

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