How to open your intuition, perception and creativity?

    Do you know the difference between people who make less mistakes than others?

    Or, among those people who have more health, more material prosperity, more success and better relationships than others?

    The difference is that they use a higher percentage of intuitive and emotional intelligence than others.

    Rational intelligence is indeed important, but it is flawed and does not take you to your extreme potential if you use it without the support of intelligence and intuitive impulses.

    We've all been approached with the phrase, "Listen to your inner voice."

    But the difficulty you face is in knowing how to do this. Another even greater difficulty is distinguishing between what is an intuitive message that comes from this inner voice and a message that comes directly from our suffocated, worried and pressured rational mind with the problems to which we are subjected.

    When you receive a message as if it were a suggestion to face your problems and crises, you can actually make a lot of mistakes and make the situation worse if you rely on a rational message instead of an intuitive one to solve whatever it is.

    So it's good to know some differences.

    How to open your intuition, perception and creativity?

    Messages that come from the intellect can:

    Relying on scarcity, fear and causing feelings of guilt.
    Being compulsive and asking for urgent action
    Bring a sense of desperate need

    Messages centered on your intuition:

    Are reassured despite persistent
    They are encouraging and do not require immediate, much less radical, actions
    They almost offer a step-by-step action plan for change.

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