Fundamental steps to practice self-love

Self-love is the first step to happiness. But this is something we were never taught how to do. We grew up hearing that we should love others, that we should be good and respect society's rules, but we were never taught how to love yourself first of all. Fortunately, some people have reached this level of love and happiness and leave messages for people to teach them how to love themselves more. And the secret is mainly based on a practice: self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge is not an act you do just once and never again. But a constant practice composed of different attitudes and behaviors that will help you to find your true self and thereby increase your self-esteem. Here are some steps for you to get to know yourself better and discover how you have plenty of reasons to love yourself more and more:

Fundamental steps to practice self-love


Look around you and start analyzing everything that works for you and what doesn't. Reflect on why some things upset you so much and others make you so good. Analyze some important questions in your life, such as: do you have a professional occupation that makes you happy? Do you have real friends or just status? Do you try to impersonate someone else or are you able to be authentic to those around you? What are your dreams?


After analyzing your life, you must take the necessary actions for each point that you perceive to be harmful to you. For example, if you don't like your job, start looking for another one or study a new field to try to change the direction of your career. When you manage to take this kind of attitude, you will feel a very good energy of accomplishment that will increase your self-esteem right away. And so you show that you value yourself and you will no longer allow yourself to put yourself in situations that are not good for you.


In a moment of more introspection, isolate yourself a little and grab a pen and paper. Listening to a song you like can help at this time. Look at yourself honestly and start writing down on that paper all the qualities you can recognize in yourself. We all have flaws, but we can only love each other if we can first identify the best we have to show the world. Take your time and do this exercise regularly. Whether you want to write down a new quality that you haven't discovered yet, or to remind yourself of what an amazing person you are, always practice this exercise.

Fundamental steps to practice self-love

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Allow yourself to fulfill your desires. At least once a month, do something you really enjoy or give yourself a gift. We spend too much time pleasing others and often forget to please ourselves too. This is an essential point for re-establishing self-love in your life.


Find out what your dreams are and then, one step at a time, walk towards them. No need to hurry. If every day you do something for your dream, even if it's something small, you'll feel your self-esteem improve along with each step you take.


At this point, it's time to review your friendships. Are your friends people who help you and can raise your vibration? Look for the company of real people. Run away from those who seek status and appearance. Self-love will be present if you allow yourself to have relationships with good people who do you good.

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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