Reflection for times of consumption: “It is not richer who has more, but who wants less”

There is a very beautiful and profound video available in which Giridhari Das, self-knowledge advisor, speaks the phrase “it is not richer who has more, but who wants less”, which impacts anyone. It's because? Because we live in a society that has long praised those who have the most consumer goods. This is a fact.

The lowsumerism movement is helping people to reflect and be aware of how much they need and if they really need it. It is very difficult to talk about stopping consumption for those who grow up and live in a consumerist society, in which exaggerated consumption is linked to having more jobs. This is worrying. But society is changing and it is possible to perceive it, not only because of this movement, but also because of the new business models.

Desiring less, that's the question

In the video it is possible to see so clearly that Giridhari explains how today so many things have been produced to satisfy these many desires of ours. Just look at the shops in the city centres, which are filled with infinite products, all of which are considered important for our well-being.

Enter a makeup store and you will see the diversity of products. Can you imagine what a woman has had to put on makeup 20 years ago? Is today? There are so many things that become important that without those products your perfect makeup never occurs. Worth thinking about, isn't it?

Reflection for times of consumption: “It is not richer who has more, but who wants less”It's incredible and it's shocking how many things there are that we can't even imagine what it's about. Things that need to be sold and are. Insofar as they exist, a series of facts are also prepared that show that these objects are important to us. But since everyone is on autopilot, they don't even take a few minutes to reflect on it.

Hard times these for dreamers

The phrase is from the beautiful film “The Fabulous Fate of Amelie Poulain”, and it really seems to be difficult. Things are upside down, they are losing their value and to change we need to start at the root. It is not so simple to show or say to people: “you need to stop consuming, the pursuit of happiness is not there”.

But little by little, society is realizing that working at any cost, buying everything you want, doesn't bring happiness, it just satisfies a momentary desire. And when we stop to reflect, meditate, we see that there is a lot left in our daily lives and that wanting less is an act of wealth!

It is not necessary to be radical, to live naked on an isolated island, but to reflect in everyday life on what we think is necessary. Start recycling, lend, collaborate, think of new models and let go of the idea that you have to be superior and have it all. It is possible to be satisfied sitting in a park meditating: believe it is possible and it is real, it is complete happiness.

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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