From scarcity to prosperity

    When we move away or lose someone who is very important to us, we feel “miss”, which is the immediate reaction of a temporary or permanent loss. If we could we would do anything to get back who we lost. Why then, when we lose ourselves in the immensity of life, we don't have the same reaction.


    We are concerned with not wasting time, with not missing our presence in the lives of those we consider to be dependent on us, with responding to the professional projects that present themselves, with meeting the expectations and desires of others to guarantee our social acceptance, with giving up our dreams and personal time to achieve goals that are not always ours.

    From scarcity to prosperity

    But all these actions are slowly undermining our feelings and causing a great emotional vacuum and accumulating in us a great scarcity of ourselves.

    "To love anything, just realize that it can be lost." GK Chesterton

    Because we don't love ourselves anymore, because we don't protect ourselves from losing ourselves, because we always insist on staying in the “lantern” of our own concerns.

    How to deal with the “scarcity” of ourselves, with the drought that lives inside us, because we boycott ourselves, because we don't care about saving ourselves. The illnesses, the traumas, the disappointments we suffer, the loss of interest in what happens inside of us make us move away from ourselves and enter the nebulous fields of “not feeling”.

    From scarcity to prosperity

    Dance therapy, a method created by Argentine dancer Maria Fux, offers us the light for the rediscovery of our essence, leading us back to the dimension of our own greatness, balance and self-worth. The methodology foresees bodily experiences from simple stimuli, associated with musical choices, which gradually offer us the possibility to feel again, to recognize ourselves, to understand that we need to reconnect, to remove our fears of loss and to lead back to the dimension of the pleasure of being who we want to be.

    The proposed bodily experiences are always linked to the creative and natural movement that inhabits every human being, to affectivity, sensitivity and emotion and are always marked by relaxation, self-knowledge and the facilitation of the group's integration. Dance and movement opening up a new perspective of prosperity, where the first soil to become fertile needs to be yourself. Try it!

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