Life, a mystery to be lived!

    We live in search of meaning for our existence.

    We love, we suffer, we have a diversity of experiences, situations, moments and contradictions.

    And life, on the other hand, brings us what we need to realize to wake up from what hurts us and prevents us from moving forward!

    movement is life, as much as we feel alone, we are not, because with us the invisible walks supporting us so that we are one with our BEING!

    Every situation is an opportunity for expansion and elevation. We want to find our purpose! And life directs us to that! We need to be attentive to the touches that life gives us.

    Life, a mystery to be lived!

    Situations that are repeated, people that appear in our lives, losses, discoveries, changes, opportunities, achievements, reveal a lot about us and what life wants to reveal to us!

    Actually, living is simple, however, we complicate it with our fear, pride and selfishness. We create internal walls, we move away from our Primordial Source and from other Beings.

    We have imprisoned our essence in a false security, preventing it from being free to fly and shine! We feel like existential zombies, due to our insecurities and mistrust linked to an excessively materialistic existence.

    Our transcendence happens when we become aware of all this and start to feel our REAL NATURE!

    Our soul feels the need to experience existence with more freedom and detachment.

    After all, WE ARE MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEINGS experiencing in each dimension what we need to know about ourselves!

    Therefore, the importance of SELF-OBSERVATION and living the PRESENT MOMENT with CONSCIOUS ATTENTION.

    Knowing ourselves, we can better understand other beings, nature, life and their respective processes.

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