From Alok to Osho: the birth of B.Ocean

    “It is said that even before a river falls into the ocean it trembles in fear. He looks back at the whole journey, the summits, the mountains, the long winding path through the forests, through the villages, and he sees in front of him an ocean so vast that entering it is nothing more than disappearing forever. But there is not other way. The river can not come back. Nobody can go back. Back is impossible in existence. You can just go ahead. The river needs to take a risk and enter the ocean. And only when he enters the ocean does the fear disappear. Because only then will the river know that it is not about disappearing into the ocean, but becoming an ocean. On the one hand it is disappearance and on the other hand it is rebirth. So are we. We can only go ahead and risk it. Courage !! Move forward and become the ocean!!!” - Osho

    Perhaps you have already read this text by Osho. Maybe not. I, in particular, did not know him, until I saw a video of the DJ Alok telling the story behind your music “Ocean”. The story itself is very beautiful and touching, but what impressed me the most in that video was the allusion that Alok made to this text by Osho, reflecting that we are also rivers heading towards the ocean. At that moment, my mind exploded and I couldn't stop shivering, because everything made so much sense in here! A sign that there was something there for me…

    At the time, a friend and I were putting together a project and we were looking for a name that would express everything we wanted to convey to people, but in a not so obvious way. We spent days exchanging ideas… however, nothing came up that really fit what we had planned. I was very distressed, because my “creative fuse” had long since run out. All I asked was that the Creative Divine Source send us the perfect name for this new mission. And I trusted.

    A few days went by without us leaving the same place, until, one night, distracted by the posts on Facebook, this video of DJ Alok appeared on the “timeline”, and as I said before, I literally shivered completely. after seeing it. This text by Osho reflected exactly what we wanted to convey through the new project. It was perfect for our purpose!

    From Alok to Osho: the birth of B.Ocean

    So, after racking my brains a little more, the name came to me “B.Ocean” – for two reasons: the B represents the initial of our names (another synchronicity of the Universe is that we are both called Barbara) and the expression “be ocean”, in English, means “be ocean”. And, from the beginning, this has always been B.Ocean's purpose: inspire people to be more and more ocean, more “One with the Whole”. Which is, therefore, an invitation to return to your essence, tirelessly seeking the evolution of your being.

    In just over a year of existence, B.Ocean has undergone many (in fact, infinite) transformations. Currently, only I (Bárbara Novais) remain on the project, and although the focus of our products and services has changed a lot over this time, the essence of B.Ocean remains the same: helping people to know themselves and value their own light! In my view, these changes are concrete proof that we must be fluid like water and trust that we are being led by the best path always, and let everything mature in its own time.

    Through B.Ocean, I have been guided, more and more, through the seas of meditation, something that has radically transformed my life and inspired me to evolve my ego even more. And it is a little of this same transformation that I want to bring to you, through guided meditations and insights that I was invited to share here on the Eu Sem Fronteiras portal. I hope this content is as liberating for you as it has been for me.

    Well… now, enough talking, right?! Let's meditate?


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