10 tips to start your day with intention

I love morning rituals. Personally, I've booked anywhere for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half to enjoy during my morning. This is our best time to establish the opportunities we will have throughout the day.

Marianne Williamson said this about mornings. β€œAt the beginning of the day the mind is more open to receiving new impressions. One of the most important things we can do is take full responsibility for managing the power of the morning.”

I used to wake up, turn on my cell phone and read the news. The bad and stressful news. Then I would get out of bed and face the rest of the day. My mind was overactive during this period, and it still is.

Now I wake up and bring clarity to my heart. I feel grateful to be living a new day. I get up and slowly begin my morning rituals.


My mind is still the most active part of me in the morning. I usually wake up excited and ready to start the day. But I've trained myself so that doesn't happen, as I end up creating a frantic energy to face the rest of the day. I always jump from one thing to another, and I end up breaking in the middle of the day.

If you want to have a beautiful day, you need to lay the groundwork for it. We often dive headfirst into our routine instead of living it calmly.

Here are some tips to start your day in a good mood:

1. Go to sleep before midnight.

The disposition starts the day before. The way we wake up in the morning has a lot to do with the quality of our sleep. Most of us need seven to nine hours of rest, and we tend to sleep better when we go to bed before midnight.

2. Give yourself double your time.

I'm going to the airport two hours early because who wants more stress? I do not. So I choose not to create it. Give yourself more time than you need so you can really be present in your morning. No matter what you need, fold it.

3. Break your habits.

Looking at Instagram or Facebook right when you wake up is a bad habit. Starting your morning in a good mood means that you are choosing what you want to focus on. Every thing your mind focuses on creates a brand.

10 tips to start your day with intention

4. Live fully.

As soon as you wake up, feel the sheet on your skin, feel the temperature of your room, feel your feet on the floor, feel the toothbrush on your gums.

5. be present.

This is a huge, big habit for most of us. Resist the temptation to think about what you need to do during your journey. Your day and all the things you need to do will still be there once you finish your morning routine. Training yourself to be present during your morning will help you to be present in any situation in your life.

6. Remember you are worth it.

Recognize that your ability to be present with yourself in the morning is an act of self-love. When we love each other, we are bringing wholeness into our lives. If you can't commit to yourself, then you can't be true to anyone.

7. Don't be afraid to change.

It's easy for anything to become a checklist item. When your morning routine starts like this, know that it no longer serves you. Don't get attached to your morning rituals, if you feel that something is no longer useful to you, let it go. You can always start over.

8. Don't trade.

The best way to commit to yourself is to just show up. This means that you should not allow yourself to trade. There are no excuses for not showing up. You must not even allow your mind to entertain this. Just show up.

9. Make a list.

Making a list of things you want to do in the morning is a good way to reduce resistance. Wake up and take a look at your list. Now you're ready to know what you need to do.

10 Choose wisely.

Make sure the things you choose to do during your morning routine are things that will nourish you, energize you, and reconnect you with your spirit, intuition, and heart.

This is the process I call The Desire Map. The purpose is to help you see clearly what you really want to feel in your life. When you know how you want to feel, you discover what you need to choose to feel that way.

Living life intentionally takes you out of your own bubble.

I've been thinking about it all my life and I say these same words every morning. Now they are sacred, rich, liberating and full of trust. I reflect on this every morning and create rituals in my life that will bring those feelings of freedom to the surface.

Living in a good mood requires more than just willingness, it's small habits in everyday life and especially in your morning that make everything possible. But and you? What are your rituals for waking up in a good mood and living intentionally? Tell us in the comments!

Written by Amanda Magliaro of Team Me Without Borders.

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