Frequency 432HZ: the magic music of life

    Do you know what the 432Hz frequency is? It is a musical tuning used by musicians in order to improve their own lives based on it. The Italian composer Verdi used this tuning (432Hz), which later became known as the Verdi tuning - C = 256 Hz and A = 432 Hz, as it was considered richer, happier, more natural, in addition to being scientifically correct for human beings. .

    Frequency 432HZ: the magic music of life

    432Hz is in harmony with:

    • The heart rate of the human heart
    • Healthy DNA replication
    • Maximum brain functioning for the rest of the organism (synchrony between the two hemispheres)
    • The manifestation of the creative organism in the brain

    When listening to sounds and music on this frequency, you get the above mentioned benefits. Below, a video with songs based on the 432Hz frequency:

    Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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