Freemasonry and being a Freemason according to Nilo Deyson Monteiro Pessanha

    “If you don't know what you're talking about, if you don't know what comes out of your mind, be silent, because if your mind offers you a notion based on loose and malicious information, better be silent, because the wise man blushes his words.”

    Many unfortunately still have a distorted notion of what Freemasonry is. They use loose information, where they say every weird thing without basis, without foundation. The fact is that Freemasonry is a philanthropic, philosophical, initiative and fraternal institution, a true brotherhood. It's not religion.

    In it man learns to dig dungeons to vices and to build temples to virtue. Man learns in philosophical studies to be a better man in society, in the family, in the profession, in the religion to which he professes faith. It is, in short, a place for free men and good morals. Being a Freemason has nothing to do with what they say out there. On the contrary, Freemasonry is a historic institution that works to improve the life of society through various projects around the world. Freemasonry is not a secret institution, it is discreet. Many ask about the symbols used in store meetings. The symbols obviously have their meanings to be studied in order to improve the version of man while he is alive.

    As in any institution, Freemasonry has its way of working, and its meetings are only for Freemasons and all study, everything that is said, taught, is between the brothers of the order.

    When there are meetings open to the public, then, yes, they are open sessions so that society can have this approximation with the institution that has already done and is doing so much for society. The Masonic order is discreet and does not need to promote itself in society in the sense of having an intention to be popularly recognized. It is noticed by attentive eyes. It helps society at several important moments, as it has been since its inception. Even if you want to know about the details of the story, just research how Freemasonry was born. As Psalm 133 says “How good it would be for the brethren to walk in unity”, in other words, Freemasonry values ​​good morals and can only become Freemasons one day, free men and good morals, who believe in God, whatever the religion. In the Masonic order, God is called “GADU” (GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE).

    The relationship between Freemasonry and religion is very good. Within the Masonic order we have Assemblies of God, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal pastors, as well as members of Neo-Pentecostal churches. Not to mention the members who are Buddhists, Spiritualists, among other religions. Just don't accept atheists.

    This story that Freemasonry does satanic rituals, that it denies the divinity of Christ, this is all bullshit. These bizarre things are lying things. Another issue is that Freemasonry has nothing to do with Illuminatis. It is enough for the researcher to be careful to read the history of Freemasonry and see how and where it was born, and then see the intention of Freemasonry, which is completely different from everything that is said out there. Also look up credible sources on the history of the Illuminati and see what their intention is. Freemasonry, therefore, has nothing to do with them. Anyway, this article of mine is to clarify as a researcher and philosopher, that the Masonic order is a serious institution, where only serious men committed to society enter in the sense of joining forces to help their community through works and actions and, obviously, , must be inclined towards the studies of philosophy and will sometimes clash with their former convictions, so that they must be impartial towards their passions in the profane world. In the spirit of the Mason there is a spirituality and balance different from that of profane men, so that there are no impediments to entering studies, whether philosophical, esoteric, historical studies and others; for if there is freedom, there are no impediments to improving the human version itself through knowledge.

    Freemasonry and being a Freemason according to Nilo Deyson Monteiro Pessanha
    Erik Mclean / Pexels

    The Freemason is a wise man who is silent and knows when to enter and leave, to speak or to be silent. No good thing makes its possessor happy unless his mind is habituated to the possibility of loss. The Freemason knows how to treat people well, for he learns in the lodge to be an excellent man. He is peaceful, patient, slow to anger, knows how to be understanding and naturally has in his spirit compassion, love for his neighbor; so that he is charitable and at the opportune moment he gives charity. He is a counselor, a friend of justice, upright, ethical, upright and respects people as they are. Each lodge of Freemasonry belongs to a power, each within its rite. There are lodges where meetings take place, there are grand lodges and today Freemasonry is on all continents of the planet, a great brotherhood, fraternity. Freemasons greet each other like brothers and the wives of Freemasons are called sisters-in-law, their children are called nephews. Freemasonry, by the way, has many activities and jobs to help society, where they have the whole family, wives, children. There are some aspects, if we can label it that way, such as Demoley, which works with young people, and also other aspects that women “sisters-in-law” work on in projects where many good things for society are developed. Freemasonry helps asylums, orphanages, prisons, cultural institutions, among others. It promotes events and develops projects to help society, as does the Rotary Club International, of which I am a member. The fact is that Freemasonry does much more than the public power itself. Due to the pandemic, still on the present date of this article, June 24, 2021, many projects are gradually resuming their activities.

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    Finally, I think that society needs to pay attention to the importance of Freemasonry, in having Freemasons in its community. The Mason has a keen eye for blind spots, he sees details where the common man does not see, does not understand, cannot be perceived except by a Mason. This makes sense and gives life to the theory that “we are many” and that the “look of God is everywhere, the eyes that see everything”, in the sense of paying attention to observe these blind spots that need to be addressed in order to to improve the coexistence in society of the human person in society, in the world around him, in the community, in his reality. Another issue is that the Freemason does a lot for society, however what the right hand does the left does not need to know, that is, it does not need to flaunt its good deeds in the sense of wanting to appear, inflate its own ego. On the contrary, the Freemason does it as if it were for God.

    I'll end here, I still have a lot to write about. As a philosopher I leave this record for history and this article will be here and can be searched on Google using the title at the top.

    “Life is only justified if it is full of heroism, make your life worthwhile, don't get stuck in the mediocrity of impediments. GOD is freedom. Revelation 11.”

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