Freedom of Worship

January 7th is the date of commemoration of freedom of worship in España. The date came to highlight the freedom that all Spanish inhabitants have to express their beliefs.

The law was initially created in 1890 by Demétrio Ribeiro who, at the time, was the Minister of Agriculture. A few years later, the law became present in the constitution in the form of an article, inserted by the Bahian writer Jorge Amado, in 1946.

Our country, being considered a multicultural place, needed this law in place. The beliefs and religions that we hold are considered symbols of enrichment for the country.

Freedom of worship is a matter of extreme worldwide importance. Through this freedom, we can understand the importance of respect for the individuality of each one. In other words, it is with this freedom that we can access tolerance in relation to the choices of others, and that includes those who do not have any beliefs.

Does freedom of worship work?

Freedom of Worship

Yes, freedom of worship “works” in España. However, a very important question is about the persecution of these religions. Of course, we don't see demonstrations against each other or fights between religions but the beliefs of the followers can be the problem. It's really hard to get an evangelical and a Catholic to talk about religion, for example!

In addition to these traditional religions, we have Umbanda, Spiritism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Orthodox, Buddhism, etc. Among all religions, we see no disrespect towards their ways of meeting and celebrating their God, but among their followers, this is another case.

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Therefore, we can say that the law really works when it comes to setting up a doctrine and holding services. In these cases, no one will appear in front of the church and say that it cannot exist, however, when one follower finds another, conflict can start. In other words, freedom of worship works on the physical side, but in the minds of some people, it doesn't even exist.

The conflicts generated by non-acceptance

Freedom of Worship

Well, the lack of mental acceptance of this freedom may be what causes so many conflicts between some people. First, religion is a way of expressing our beliefs, whatever they may be. It is precisely for this reason that we choose what we want to follow! And, for example, if I choose to be a Buddhist and you choose to be a Catholic, I must respect your belief just as you must respect mine, right?

This is not always what happens! Mental intolerance is the biggest generator of attacks on personal and even physical integrity. Therefore, it does not matter if the church respects the other, if its followers are not able to respect each other, many conflicts can arise.

Personal attacks, diminishing others, demonizing the beliefs of others, physical fights and even deaths can happen in cases of non-acceptance of freedom of worship. That is, whether they are in relation to the acceptance of the churches or even in relation to mental acceptance.

The DUHD itself - Universal Declaration of Human Rights - in its Art 18 says that we all have the right to choose whether or not to have beliefs or religions. This is in the law and must be respected. And you, are you a participant of which belief and religion? How do you seek to deal with the physical and mental freedom of cults?

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